Just coloured my hair and I feel EPIC!

Hi everyone

Just wanted to share with you all that I have today coloured my (very short) hair, (see my pic)

No more grey hoorah!

DaisyGirl xx

Wow, it looks fantastic Daisy!

And… I’m impressed that you haven’t got any dye showing round your hairline -I always manage to get brown stains (lol!)

Shelley xxx

I must confess that my lovely lovely hairdresser of many years came round and did it for me :slight_smile: She put vaseline round my hair line and ears so that the dye did not get on my skin or fluffy bits!

I know it is very short but it is still looks better than a scarf!

DG x

Wow, looking fabulous Daisygirl, that must boost your confidence no end, definately better than a scarf :slight_smile: x

Looking good, babe!

FANTASTIC… I am so green. I can’t imagine how good it must feel… How many months is it? She as done a good job. It is nt that short it looks superb.
Cackles xxxx

Oh you’re Soooooo Moneysupermarket… :wink:

Thats fantastic, how long is it since you had chemo? I cant wait to do mine, ive waited 5 months up to now

Looking good! Elinda x

Thanks everyone!

Cackles, my last TAX was 09/06 but my hair had started to grow back before then and my onc team OK’d Alpecin shampoo and Dr Hoting Activ F tonic which I have used every day, did it work? don’t know but I am over the moon that I have enough hair to colour and the grey haired old lady HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!


Daisygirl you are looking GOOOOOD!! XX

WOW - real hair that looks like HAIR!

That looks fab and has boosted me to get mine sorted before I go on my jollies… ok so it’ll only be just over three months since last chemo … but I need to …