just diagnosed with BC. Operation booked for the 18th. All a bit of a whirlwind and I don’t know which way is up at the moment! I feel so angry all the time… Maybe that’s having to stop the HRT. I’m not even sure what questions to ask. All advice will be well received. Thanks in advance
Hi Dawn, sorry that you find yourself joining our club, but you’re in the right place now you’re here as you’ll find lots of support.
Your emotions are understandably running high anyway, and stopping HRT won’t be helping from that side, but hey, if it reduces the odds of a recurrence…I had WLE (and sentinel node removal) in June for DCIS and also IDC which was hormone receptive. I had to stop taking my contraceptive pills and have now started on Tamoxifen, but I was having rages before the Tamoxifen, my mood has been so up and down with the stress of diagnosis, poor OH doesn’t know where he’s at. However, I finished my fifteen sessions of radiotherapy yesterday and feel that my mood is finally beginning to settle.
Hang in there, as you get through each step of the process things will become clearer and hopefully calmer for you too xxx
Sorry Dawn, upon checking back, noticed you said op on the 18th and my previous post was after that.
Hope you’re doing well and that you are out and back home now. You may not yet feel up to posting or ANYthing at the mo’ but do let us know how you’re going on will you.
Hope it hasn’t been as bad as you thought.
Thinking of you
Doolally Delly xx
I know how you feel. On Wednesday I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and was quite poitive at the time, but today feeling really anxious and down. Is this normal, or am I feeling sorry for myself?
Hi ladies, thanks for your support.
I have had my op which was much easier than I had thought it would be and am half way thru radiotherapy. Which is rubbish! I have been experiencing awful joint pain hence being awake at 3 am! Emotions are more under control but still very up and down.
I really thought I would just get this done and get on with my life… Not so sure it will be that easy now. Trying to remain positive tho.
Thanks again for your words of support and wisdom… Onwards and upwards hopefully! Xx
Hi Dawn,
Try to tackle your anger, been reading a lot how important it is to be in a good positive and calm state of mind when dealing with cancer… I know, easier said than done… I am going through all sorts of emotions and found that meditation and breathing exercises help enormously. As well as focusing on emotional therapy if you like. These are the links to websites that I have found helpful:
I am also waiting to receive the book H’oponopono - which is about a Hawaian cleansing/healing ritual - my friend recommendation.
I hope this will help you focus on getting better. Good luck on 18th and I wish you speedy recovery!!
Hi Nadzieja, Dawn, Ellie49 - I had to read twice on your response to Dawn, that it was 6 months or so ago.
I do so hope you are ALL doing okay - are you???
Love and hugs Delly xxx
Hi dawn. Ive just joined the group and they are great. Ive been struggling along on my own for 2 and half years. You started at the right point because there is always someone on here that knows where your at. Your still in shock and scared i should imagine. Thats a word ive only just plucked up the courage to use. And its ok.
Just roll with it but make sure you understand what they are saying to you in the hospital. They tend to talk over you as if your not there. If they do this or you dont understand thier jargon tell them. its important for your own head to know your involved in whats happening to you. I tried to join this group when i was first diognosed but i was so confused and scared i didnt carry on with it. Now i wish i did. Good luck with your op. Keep in touch and let us know how your doing. Sending you a hug sue xx
Im so sorry dawn ive just noticed the date on your post. Only 6 months out. Im still trying to work my way around. Shows doesnt it. Well ignor everything i said i expect your well on the road to recovery now.
hi dawn,
Sorry you find yourself here, but there is plenty of support with others going through it & have been through it.
Do pop along to the ‘newly diagnosed’ thread to chat as you need to.
ann x
ahh, I’ve just seen the date too… x