Just diagnosed and joining the club

Hello everyone,

Not a club I wanted to join but here I am with newly diagnosed triple negative breast cancer at 38. I am feeling so overwhelmed with all the info and appointments and the reality that the next phase of my life is now just to focus on battling this. I feel lucky that I’ve found it (hoping early as no lymph node biopsy was done and nothing in them on the ultrasound) but everything seems to be moving so quickly. I am just sad and angry and scared to be in this position. I feel too young to be dealing with this and just want to go back to my old life. I was only at the GP 3 weeks ago so my head is spinning with the speed that they are dealing with it. I know speed is good and I am grateful for it but it is honestly so overwhelming.

Got an MRI and ECG and genetic test coming up and they will decide next week on the chemo plan going forward pre surgery. I’m quite scared that it has spread and they’ve just not detected it but I assume that the MRI will give more information on that.

Sending thoughts and love to others here in a similar situation. I wouldn’t wish this shit on anyone.


Welcome to the Forum, the one place where we all understand but don’t want to be!

Although not triple negative, I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer last year and totally understand the feeling that you want to return to that life - before diagnosis and scans and biopsies - even six months on, I sometimes think back to the moments before I found my lump and how life was like another world!

But you’re here now and you will get through it - I got some diazepam and sleeping tablets from my GP which helped hugely in those frightening early days. I also called the breast care nurses here who were so supportive and talked me ‘off the ledge’ when I was so overwhelmed.

It’s early days for you but you will feel more in control once your treatment plan is under way and you get to know what you’re doing!

It’s such a hard place for you to be right now but you will see that it gets better, even if it doesn’t feel like it now.
Sending lots of love xx


Hi wren, sorry you find yourself here, I was diagnosed tnbc at 45, had op, 6 round chemo and 20 rads from 2017-2018. Take it a day at a time a treatment at a time, ask away on here there are quite a few currently being treated for tnbc and treatments have changed since 2017-2018. Everything will be tailored to you. My genetic test was negative so no brca gene. If you do have brca gene you should be offered other preventative treatments too :heart: ask away when your ready as your treatment plan is put in place :two_women_holding_hands:everyone will offer tips and support as much or little as you need. Do it your own way in your own time there’s no right or wrongs to getting through, join the threads if you want to or dip in and out whatever you need for you :heart:bcn has got you and do have all of us :two_women_holding_hands: :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thanks. It is lovely to hear from people who have experienced similar and there is a way through it. Good to know especially in these early dark days. It all just seems too much to deal with but one day at a time!


Hi Wren, Sorry to hear about your diagnoses. I have no experience to share I’m afraid towards advice as I got diagnosed just yesterday but invasive BC for me. The good thing is for you things are moving forward fast ito treatment so fingers crossed.x