Hi, following a routine mammogram I was called up to the hospital for further investigation. Luckily I only had 3 days to panic. I had another mammogram and an ultrasound and was told that I had a small lump in my left breast. They took a biospy and I only had to wait for one day before returning for my result.
I met my surgeon who told me that I had a small 2cm cancerous lump just behind my nipple (more sort of underneath) and it is an Invasive Lobular cancer. He told me straight away that he is 98% sure that the operation will be successful and I will only need radiotherapy and a hormone drug for five years. He is also going to take some tissue from my other breast to reconstruct the left breast so that my nipple does not lay low. Also going to inject some green dye into my nipple so that they can see if there are any cells on my lymph nodes at which point he will take them out.He told me I would be called in for the operation in about four weeks time.
For the last three years Hubby and myself have been dealt some terrible luck and have been stressed to the max, so I was not completely surprised at this news. It was just typical of our luck at the moment.
I am feeling very positive as 98% is good and I have so many friends who have had exactly the same cancer and are perfectly healthy now. I am in constant contact with them and know what to expect. When I first came home I just felt like taking a sleeping tablet and sleeping for a month so that I could just wake up, have my operation and get the nasty stuff out of my body. My cancer nurse rang on Tuesday and asked how I felt and I told her that I was still positive, to which she told me that thats fantastic.
I received my appointment yesterday for 22nd September and I was so pleased that my surgeons secretary must have thought I was a nutter. I must have sounded as though I was being booked in to a luxury hotel!
I only have a few nagging doubts like will it come back in another part of my body? And thats really frightening. Will I have to spend the rest of my life worrying? Does anybody else feel the same? By the way I am so glad that I found this site.
Hi Lyndy, We are never" happy" to have new members and would love not to have to but a warm welcome to you, You sound very positive and that will help you massively along the way, BC is very treatable for the vast majority and there is no reason you won’t be one of them and go on and be just fine, Your suggested treatment plan is nothing awful, I had op, Radiotheraphy and am now on Tamoxifen and it was all straight forward, I’m 18 months on from diagnosis now and getting on with life,First year clear Mammogram under my belt which is a huge boost to your mind set, it’s hard not to worry but it does get easier, I found the worst time directly after treatment ended and suddenly you have no hospital appointments after months of endless trips!
Last year was ruined by my diagnosis and other personal sadness in the family so we’re gone all out to make this year special, lots of holidays and time together as a family just enjoying the simple things in life, it certainly makes you appreciate things! You will find plenty of support here so keep in touch. Xx Jo
Hi Lyndy Lou, Your whole diagnosis,treatment plan sounds so like mine. I am in a very fortunate position as I had my op, results and now go on Monday to the Beatson fo my ct scan and treatment plan. I will keep all posted about how it goes Monday and yes thinkin it may come backor start somewhere else isapparently very normal but as time passes so does the fear the lovely ladies here have told me. Thinking of you take care xxxx
Hi I have been diagnosed with breast cancer today, total shock, I thought the lump I have was going to be a cyst…I have two children aged 9 and 5 and my husband and am so worried. I have the op next Thursday to take some lymph nodes and an appt to see oncologist the week after, grateful for such good services. Worried for my kids and hubby. Feels surreal at moment .
Thanks charys, they have just rang to say they want me to have a ct full body scan now before lymph nodes removed Thursday,(no lumpectomy), just to check my pelvis etc? Is this standard procedure? Has anyone else had this? I am now suspicious that they think it may be elsewhere already? Xx
Hi charys
I am to have radioactive dye injected on Wednesday to have lymph nodes out Thursday. Chemo to start week after. This body scan has been mentioned today and maybe carried out tomorrow or Monday x
Hi lindy lou and Cloudy crew
Lindy lou, you mentioned the fear and wether it gets better.
this fear is something we all go through. Something that this disease is especially good at giving us. Partly because like yourself, many of us have gone through some stressful events beforehand and we are waiting for the other shoe to drop ! I am very familiar with this kind of fear and we all find ways of dealing with it
Be mindful of the fact that just because nasty things have happened to us, there is NO certainty that other things will happen. Hold on to that fact, because the mind plays tricks on us, we get used to having things happen and expect thrm, which isnt good for us at all and not realistic.
The other thing that many of us find useful is meditation…through that we can learn how to deal with these negative thoughts( when the monkeys start jumping)
i am just like everyone else, I have the same struggles…If the monkeys start to jump, sometimes
I try to park the worries, by setting a contract with myself about specific times I can worry as much as i like…often when the time arrives, im not feeling worried. You will be offered a support group and/or counselling, I would accept something like this…it really helps.
lots of love to you bith and best wishes for your treatment
Hi charys sorry not been here for a while. Felt like non stop hospital trips, had bone and ct scan and all clear , so relieved. I had s sentinel lymph node removal op last Friday which went well and get results Monday. I start 6 rounds of chemo this Thursday, 29th sept, which all of a sudden i am beginning to dread… How are you xx
Hi hope you don’t mind me joining in, I’ve been lurking on the site for a few days but havn’t had the courage to post. I was diagnosed last week with breast cancer total shock as I’ve had quite a few mammograms as lumps have been coming up in different places and they have all come back clear, just lumpy breasts, so was expecting the same. Meeting my breast cancer nurse today and got my
pre-op appt tom. It’s the waiting that’s worse.
Your right Eileen the waiting is the worst, I am trying to get my mind ready for chemo now which starts Thursday x
Hi Croudy will be thinking about you tomorrow xx
Thank you Maggie and Eileen , Julie xx
Hello LyndyLou
I was diagnosed two weeks ago with stage 1 breast cancer. Up until yesterday I was fine about the dx and yes I was worried about having my first operation but thought I would be running around again the day after. Yesterday I had the physiotherapy after the operation explained to me, 'raise shoulders 10 times 3 times a day for the first 3 days". I had no idea that I would be this limited after the operation. Also I will be having radiotherapy for 3 weeks at 6 weeks post op. I expected to return to work at 4 weeks post op and as I work for the NHS, pop across to the main hospital for radiotherapy and then pop back into work. I didn’t realise that it would take half a day, including travel to where they perform the radiotherapy, and that I would be feeling fatigued afterwards.
I have just got on my feet after being in an abusive relationship and was lucky enough to be given a room at a women’s refuge, where I have been for the lady 18 months. I managed to return to work full time on 5th September and was diagnosed on 7th September.
Everythis feels like one step forward and then two backwards. I am strong and won’t give in though as that isn’tu character. I do however feel like I’ve just had enough being thrown at me over keep last few years and want to run.
Hi Maggie , not brilliant but done! Clinic was running two hours late which I’m fine about but added to anxiety a bit! All staff were fab. My veins aren’t very giving so took a while to start administering drugs but ok once got going! I am going to have a picc line fitted though to save all the stress xxx thank you so much for thinking about me xxx
Hi Croudy was thinking about you today xx
Thank you Eileen, been a long draining day, I feel I need some rest now!! Xx
Hello Crosby crew, I have my op on the 5th October as well. I am.having a lumpectomy.
Hope all goes well for you and enjoy this weekend. I am going for a night out tomorrow with my daughter. A bit apprehensive as alcohol and emotions don’t always mix well together, but hopefully we will have our usual laugh together.
Take care - Lorraine xxx
Hi Lyndy Lou
I am sorry to hear of all your bad luck and this adding to it must feel very unfair. It sounds as though we are quite similar in how we feel- just diagnosed myself and had lumpectomy with one node removed and awaiting results. I hear of other having body scans and things which I have not as yet been offered, but like you really worry that is is elsewhere in my body or will come back.
I don’t know whether I will get a scan but feel I really need one else I will forever worry which cant be good!
My Mum and both her sisters had bowel cancer- my Mum half way through her chemo when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It makes me quite nervous!
I hope that things go well for you and I am sure step by step you will get there and manage just fine. There seems to be quite a lot of support out there and these boards are fab.
Fingers crossed all will be well for you. Big hugs
LouLou x