Sarah,next couple of days should be fun,first radiotherapy session followed by trying to get mother in law with dementia to agree to go to care home on Saturday, it’s all about the fun this weekend!!!Better stock up on Galaxy…
I think the dentist might have got a filling if francine got them out xxxx
Oh Jill I know how tough that can be. My dad had dementia for 8 years he sadly passed away in September. We managed to keep him at home which was his wish but we had to have respite breaks just to keep us same at times or if we were going away. So dealing with being ill and coping with that as well. Your one tough cookie xxxxxxxxx
Thanks lorna, Jo ,Jill looks like 6-8 weeks is the consensus. I’m trying to decide if I should go back to work in between. The hospital gave me a two week sick note after the surgery and that runs out the day I get the results on SNB and if the margins are clear. I feel a bit stir crazy after just a week off. How was it for all of you ? On a more important note I will try Turkish delight but I have been on a CET trial or coffee eclair therapy if you don’t know the clinical term.
With regard to tears- I have had a few little moments but it’s the silly things that have set me off- I think the enormity of it all passed me by or is yet to hit. My cancer was picked up on my first routine mammogram so I had no idea what to expect and just went with the flow.
my breast is blue and yellow and black quite a remarkable sight but pretty pain free.
lovely to chat to you all. Cath x
You can only do what you can do. And 60 miles is a long way especially in emergencies I lived very close to my dad and a friend of mine rented a room at my dad’s who was there most evenings so his circumstances were very different. There were times when I came close it’s such a difficult illness xxxxxxx
Yes ,all her friends and family are agreed it is right thing .but hard, she will have better quality of life near to us and. 24 hr care but still v sad ,anyway back to talking about cancer !!!
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Yes she will and not such a worry as you are going through enough right now xxxx
Yes ,hopefully things will calm down a bit and I can concentrate on radiating my boob!!!How does the pict work is it like a canular?
Sorry pic …
Yes it does work like that. They say it’s easier that constantly find a vein during chemo as they can harden. But I have to wear a waterproof on my arm to have a shower.! Roll on Christmas xxxxx
Yeh ,just think all be over then,what a good Christmas gift!
I will have radiotherapy in the new year and those tablets and then a boob job. So maybe I should say roll on Easter xxxx
Yep, Christmas chemo over, Easter reclaim your life from this blooming thing eh??
Damn right! xxxxx
How were the battered sprouts??
Hi all hope u r all ok. Are you ready for tomorrow Jill. big hugs for you xx hi to all tbe new guys and gals whi have joined our thread. We are all at different stages and we are helping each other in this journey we don’t want to be on. Take care xxx
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Yes ,Im really looking forward to it ,bring on the radiation !!!
Hi Sarah don’t worry at all. Well I went to see a different consultant today and he wants to do chemo first then surgery after. He thinks he will still do mastectomy after but he wants to take hold of it a bit quicker and monitor the shrinkage of the tumour. So looks like I’m starting chemo next week!!! And to think I should have been sitting in a beach in Ibiza xxx