Just diagnosed..... now waiting.

Hello. I’m new to the forum and wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing the limbo I am in at the moment. I found a lump in November and was given a diagnosis of breast cancer 2 weeks ago. I have been told that I need an MRI scan but that it could be up to 2 weeks ( which takes us to christmas) till I get the appointment. Then they will decide when I will have surgery and I will be having chemo and radiotherapy afterwards. The thing is, no one is giving me any indication of an appointment for the scan and in the meantime, I am walking around with this, ‘thing,’ in my breast that I just want out. There seems to be no rush at all, even after the surgeon told me that it was an aggressive cancer. I’m worried sick but getting nowhere and the waiting is killing me. I’m frightened that it will spread but cant get any answers from the specialists. Any advice would be great.

Hi Neekie

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where the users of this site have a wealth of experience and knowledge between them which they are only too happy to share. I am sure someone will be along soon to offer some support.

While you are waiting for replies you might want to introduce yourself in a new area of these forums we have for those people newly diagnosed like yourself, here’s the link. breastcancercare.org.uk/community/forums/new-member-introductions

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Hi Neekie
I can understand how you feel. After my diagnosis I just wanted the lump out and the waiting was awful, even though a couple of weeks wouldn’t really make a difference. All I can suggest is could you keep ringing the hospital and asking when your MRI scan will be? MRI scans are carried out by a private company at my hospital and when I was there for my scan the receptionist was ringing round slotting in people to fill last minute cancellations. It was a case of ‘Can you get in for 7 o’clock tomorrow morning?’ I’ve also found, when I’m at work, the people who are a bit insistent and keep ringing for an update are the ones who are attended to first. xx

Hello, i am in limbo at the moment and an emotional wreck!!! i found a lump 4 weeks ago and was diagnosed last Monday with BC, today i am going to the hospital to find out my results to what grade etc i am in the dark to everything else the only thing they did say is that i have to have surgery, chemo and my lymph tested positive. I am also 20 weeks pregnant so this is extra worry for me. I just feel so sick and like you not sure if anything will get done before Xmas which is freaking me out because i too just want my boob off as i feel whilst its there its making it worse!! i am already paranoid about arm ache and every other little ache and pain!!! My consultant was very cold and un emotional so i am dreading seeing him tonight!!! The waiting is awful as the litlle demon keeps talking in your head with horrid thoughts.

Thinking of you xxxx

hello, was in the same position as you in aug, had to have loads of tests and scans, mine is a very agressive cancer as well but they have gone the chemo route first which i started in oct, and after the 3rd round i was re-scanned and the 3 tumours have shrunk quite well, so onc was very pleased with how it was going, just had 4 th round last week 2 more to go then re-scan again, then decide what happens next. hopefully will just be lumpectomy. but try not to worry to much a couple of weeks won’t make that much difference
bug hugs xx

Thanks everyone. Spookily, my appointment came through this afternoon for the 28th of this month so that has helped. Stormdancer, I feel for you. It must be scary for you being pregnant too but as I am constantly being told, this is all very treatable. I’m trying my very, very hardest to keep positive as I think that is half the battle. You need to keep positive too. It sounds like there are plenty of lovely people on here to give us a boost if we are feeling down. Sending you all positive vibes x

Sending positive vibes to you all too xxxx

Hello everybody. I was diagnosed with a lobular carcinoma in two areas of my breast last Friday. I already have a date for surgery at the end of January reconstruction and radiotherapy were also mentioned. I am nearly 65 and a carer for my paraplegic partner as well as looking after my 3 year old grandchild each afternoon. I go from being rational and positive to absolute terror. I am eager to have other tests to make sure it has not travelled. The doctor did not think so but in my negative times like others i imagine every little twinge is down to the cancer. Today has been a low day and i found reading too much about it made it worse. Reading some of the posts about telling people i think I might have made a mistake as i have told most of my friends and family maybe it was a bit selfish of me as it helps to talk about it. I just want it over and done with and the waiting is a nightmare how do you stop yourself from going insane.

Hello Woolfie

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good, honest support from the many informed users of this site, who I am sure will be along soon to support you.

As you seem quite worried and concerned, could I suggest that you give our helpline team here a ring, lines open at 10am today until 2pm. The helpline unfortunately is closed tomorrow, Chrismas Day and Boxing Day but open again on Thursday at 9am - 5pm calls are free, 0808 800 6000, they may be able to allay some of your fears and concerns and help you through the holiday period. These forums will still be open 24/7 over the holiday period with a moderator checking posts from time to time, so there’s always someone around.

I have also put below links to some of our publications that might help.

BC and You: www2.breastcancercare.org.uk/publications/diagnosed-breast-cancer/breast-cancer-you-diagnosis-treatment-future-bcc44

Reconstruction: www2.breastcancercare.org.uk/publications/treatment-side-effects/breast-reconstruction-bcc7

Lobular: www2.breastcancercare.org.uk/publications/diagnosed-breast-cancer/invasive-lobular-breast-cancer-bcc45

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Hi Woolfie - sorry to hear of your worries and difficulties. I’m afraid it’s just normal to feel the way you do at the moment. We all say that the hardest time is waiting for diagnosis and then waiting for treatment to begin. Once you get started with treatment you’ll have that to focus on and will begin to feel a bit more settled.

Dont’ Google. Much of the info out there is old, or not relevant to you. Just stick to sites like this and Macmillan or as Jo says, phone the helpline - they’re wonderful and will help to make you feel much calmer. I understand how it helps to be able to talk about it, particularly with people who understand. I know that fear of every little ache, pain, twinge but try not to read too much into them. You’ll have opportunities to mention any worries to your team - I do and they always manage to reassure me.

I hope you’re feeling a bit better and would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2013 and getting through treatment and onto recovery.

Hi… I’m to in limbo was diagnosed with b.c last week In my lymph nodes under my arm they now testing my breast ad they think its there to so had yet another biopsy today. Fed up and not even had treatment plan yet even though doc spoke about mastectomy and chemo. Just want it to start now as well as to know if its gone else where hoping to find out more next week at my appointment .