I went to the doctors less than 3 weeks ago as I had discovered a lump on my breast, he initially thought it may be a cyst and referred me to the breast clinic. The appointment came through quickly and I was seen 2 weeks later (Monday) The consultant looked with utrasound and said it was not a cyst and I was immediatly sent for a mammogram and biopsy. I went back today for the results and was told i have Invasive Ductal Cancer grade 2 I am now a bit shell shocked although the consultant is confident it is treatable with operation to remove the lump & tissue and then radiotherapy and possible chemotherapy. I am only 43 so not subject to regular testing you get when over 50 - I am just thankful that a team from Breast Cancer Care came to give a talk in my work about checking your breasts regularly and its importance even with younger women.
I am not particularly looking forward to operation & treatment following but I am thankful I live in an area with one of the best hospitals & univercities & reasearch centres in the country.
When I was asked if I had any questions, I asked if I would be ok to go on my holiday booked for end of August and the consultant and the nurse said it should not pose any problems and a great goal to work towards.
I am sorry you find yourself here, but you have come to the right place for support and advice! We have very similar stories, 43, grade 2 IDC, although I am a few weeks further down the line. I have had surgery and am waiting for my ONC appointment.
One piece of advice I would give you is to avoid the internet; there is too much out of date in inaccurate information published which will scare you rigid! This site and the Macmillan site are great for information and should be able to answer general questions you have. The great ladies on this forum can offer advice and experience when needed.
The worst part is being in “the waiting room”, waiting for the confirmation of treatment and the start. We’ve all been there but it does get better when we have a treatment plan in place. (apparently, I’m still waiting for mine!!).
It is great you already have your holiday booked, and have a great trip to look forward to.
Best wishes,
Hi cazyb your holiday will be something to look forwards to and shouldn’t be an issue unless you are in the middle of chemo in which case you might not be able to go or don’t feel well enough to go. One thing though to think about if your going abroad travel insurance will be a big issue and there is a thread for this somewhere. I managed to get cover through Medicare but there is a lot of ladies saying euro tunnel is the best. Best wishes for a quick recovery x
Hi cazyb, I was 43 when diagnosed 13 months ago with a grade 2 idc, it’s so so scary to start with, the constant waiting for one lot of results after another is enough to send you insane. I had a WLE and ANC, chemo and rads, now on tamoxifen. I look back to last year and sometimes can’t believe I went through it, it’s surreal. Do you know what surgery you’re having and when?
Take care
lydia x
Hi Lades - thank you for all your kind and helpful comments. I am due to have my surgery on 21st March a so its not too long a wait and will give me a chance to be organised for time off work - thankfully my employers are very supportive. I have been told that they will remove the lump and tissue around also remove 1 or 2 lymph glands from the armpit (although I think this if for research purposes)
Thank you Lydia for the info on the holiday insurance I had not really thought about that!
They gave me a resourse pack from Breast Cancer Care which is how I ended up her! the information is very good and infomative as I do seem to have quite a lot of questions I need answered, The “personal record” book looks good and a way of keeping a note of the quesitons you need answered.
thanks again
Caroline xx
Hi i had the same!! Im 45 single mum with a 3 year old daughter finding it very difficult to cope with and face. I had surgery on Thursday the lump removed and lympth node biopsy. Now the agoniing 2 week wait to see if they got it all or if they need to go back in again. When do you have surgery?
Hey Cazyb, I’m so sorry you find yourself here. It’s such a shock, isn’t it. I was diagnosed in November and that first month was such a rollercoaster of denial/fear/shock. Hopefully this site will provide you with support though. There’s also a Facebook forum for young women, if you search for Young Breast Cancer Network it should take you there. Ask on the main page about how to join the private chat forum (the main page is public). Great idea to plan a holiday. I’m planning one for September after active treatment is over and love looking at where to go and what to do as a way to cheer myself up. Hope your treatment goes well and that you get through this horrid stage xx
Hi cazay
just a quick hi to say hang on in there and it does get easier. The first bit after just been diagnosed is emotionally very difficult.
your holiday will be a great goal to look forward to but just to echo what carrie said, if youre having active treatment then they will be reluctant for you to travel abroad but maybe ok if it’s in this country, but you can cross that bridge when you come to it.
I was 41 at diagnosis, and approaching the end of my active treatment now.
good luck xxxx
Hi cazyb
Like you I was diagnosed with IDC at 43 - that was nearly a year ago. In that year I’ve had 3 ops and chemo, and am now on Tamoxifen. I found that things got much easier once I had a treatment plan in place, and knew what I was dealing with. I dreaded having chemo, but it was doable, and I got lots of support on here.
The Facebook page for Younger Women with Breast Cancer that KG mentioned is fab, there are loads of young women on there at different stages of treatment, with loads of advice and support.
Good luck - things do get easier.
Alix xx
Hey Cazyb,
I was just like you by the sounds of things not in my wildest dreams was I thinking Cancer! Just as Mungos_mum I’m 43 now and had been diagnosed with a grade 2 IDC. Had my lump removed in August, completed Chemotherapy in January, started Herceptin in November and will be completing in November this year. I’ll be starting Radiotherapy tomorrow!
I’d holidays booked but due to chemo treatment I’d to postpond my trip. So, please wait to you are given the green light if your trip is planned for aboard.
Wish you all the very best throughout your treatment.
Yibby x
Hi there ladies there is a closed facebook page for younger women with breast cancer you can join if you like? X
there are lots of lovely ladies that chat every night if you would like to join in the chat xxx
Hiya, sorry to hear your news, things will get easier with support from this site, there is also the younger women’s forueu which I found a great help and an opportunity to meet others in the same position…have a look on the main site xxxx. The host them in Glasgow, Bristol and London, fab weekend away and totally informative. X
Thanks again for your comments, I had a look on facebook but could not see anything - if anyone can post a link I would really appreciate it.
I was reading about the young womens forums away - there is one in Edinburgh in a few weeks but its a bit too soon for me - I have a lot to do at work in next couple of weeks but I will keep an eye out for other dates
thanks again everyone
I have been given the same diagnosis on 20th Feb and am due for surgery on 14th March, my surgeon is great, she specialises in breast reconstruction if I need it. I am also numb but sad.