Just diagnosed with brain mets

Hello, I’ve been in treatment for TNBC since last September, had 6 months of chemo, DMX and was just having adjuvant Pembrolizumab.

Anyway I’ve been having a few headaches, pushed to see the Dr at the hospital, was told I’d have a CT scan as a precaution.

Literally went in yesterday for a bloods and CT scan and have now been told I’m stage 4 with brain mets.

I am beyond devastated. I have 7 year old twin boys, and we’ve all had such a tough year, and I was just beginning to look forward to life “after cancer”.

I knew TN could do this even with a complete response but with the Pembro I really was beginning to think I might get a life. I’m waiting for an MRI and full body CT scan but I’m terrified. And I’m so angry.

I have a meeting with my consultant on the 11th but until then it’s just scans and steroids. I don’t know how to begin to deal with this.


Hi Faye,
I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I know that with children the blow is particularly hard; mine are older at 16, 16 (twins) and 20 but it still breaks my heart thinking about the impact on them.
There isn’t really anything I can say, other than try to take each day at a time (easier said than done) and know that even though it may not be “curable” there are a lot of treatments out there, even for triple negative.
Take care.
Lisa x


First I would like to say how sorry I am to read this.

Secondly, I am also going through the same thing so I know how you’re feeling, I really do.

After a stage 4 diagnosis with secondary in liver and spine in Jan 2022, 6 months of chemo and then ongoing targeted treatment I was only just allowing myself to believe in a longer life opportunity rather than a death sentence! Then last month I had a dramatic rush to hospital and had a seizure, after CT and MRI scans it was discovered that I have tumours (a lot) in the brain. My medical team acted quickly and I’ve had 2 weeks of radiotherapy.

Has this been mentioned to you as an option? I am also on lots of new meds.
I do start my new targeted treatment next week - guessing with TNBC this isn’t an option?

Has your medical team offered any other suggestions on treatment?

I totally understand how shocking this is, I am still dealing with the very sudden and different change in my long term prognosis. I live each day at a time, and I try to make the most of the good days. I still feel poorly after the radiotherapy but it’s getting easier. I intend to live life to the full from now on. I really do.

Once again, I am so sorry, this is such a vile cruel disease!


I’m so sorry to ear that. I also have a 3 year old kid, and I’m so afraid to left him alone, hopefully we will resist until new cure come out. I read a story of this women have a brain cancer, and she still alive today, after 20 yeats. As well as other lastim many years…she had a brain surgery, plus chemo…Confessions of an 18-year Metastatic Breast Cancer Thriver
Best wishhes!


Dear Amel, Jools, Lisa and Faye

My heart goes out to you all, so nice to see you have a little group going between you, I feel you will be a great comfort to each other.

The forum is a great place for you all to unload how your feeling, your worries and whatever else is going on. I always say one day at a time, maybe a little notebook to scribble down what every you need to talk about with your consultant or breast cancer team as our head can be all over the place at time.

Wishing you all health and happiness going forward, please let us know how your getting on

Biggest hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:


Hi Faye
I just have to say that I hope and wish with all my heart that things will turn out well for you and your family. . Thinking of you and sending good vibes :pray:xx


Thank you very for your kind words. I had forgotten how brutal the waiting for scan results and treatment plans was. Yesterday I was feeling ok (?), I know there are new treatments for MTN but seeing the fear in my husband’s eyes and having had a terrible night’s sleep, I’m struggling so much today. My boys are fighting lots at the mo and I’m in pieces.


Fayel :heart: bcn is here for your husband too, he can ring and speak to a nurse if that will help if he has questions he wants to ask or anything :heart: Shi xx


Hi @FayeL

Any update?

I was dx in June 2023 with secondary (first time cancerer) with mets to various different places, one of those being the brain (I also have a small boy, 1 1/2). I don’t know if they gave you measurements but for me they told me although I had many they were quite small and offered me SRS radiotherapy using the gamma knife.
But it was all quite quick I think it was 2 weeks between going for my initial consult where they planned the treatment to having treatment.

I hope you have some more answers since your original post… this is such shit news but especially right before Christmas.

My inbox is always open
