Just Diagnosed

Hi Ladies

I was diagnosed with bc the beginning of Dec and had to go back just before Xmas for a 2nd biopsy as my consultant wanted to be sure of the extent of the spread. I went to see my breast care lady last week and she has said they have found traces in other parts so it is likely I will need a mastectomy. Whilst I am trying to stay positive its very hard to take in what’s happening, I’ve read the literature but to be honest I’m more confused than ever as there seems to be so many options from non reconstruction to immediate/delayed.

I suppose I’d really like some guidance from those of you who already gone through this as I’m not sure what to expect in terms of both my operation and treatments.



I am sure someone will be along soon with more info.I have not had a mastectomy[WLE,chemo and rads].What I can tell you is that once treatment starts and you have a full diagnosis and treatment plan then you will feel better.It is so scary and confusing at first.Most people who have mast. say they are surprised at their rapid recovery from the op.You will probably have one or more drain tubes in and will have some pain killers for the immediate post op period.They will take some lymph nodes during the op to see if there is any cancer ther.The tumour will be tested for hormone and Her2 sensitivity and your follow up treatment will be based on these results which you will get about a week post op.
Good Luck

Thank you Val

Its all so very daunting at the moment and because I don’t as yet know what my options are its not helping reading all the leaflets I’ve been given but I appreciate your advice and kind words

A x

Hi A think this is the worst time ,when your just waiting getting info yourself ,i had a mastectomy and recon 17yrs ago ,and never had any problems with it ,it was called then "tummy tuck an tran flap"using stomach muscle .Its a personal choice whether you want recon or not ,i was only 36 and did want it .my advice would be if you do want recon try and research into all different ones ,get a good surgeon and even talk to other ladies whove had the op ,i`ve spoken to loads over the years ,and have hopefully helped them in their decision ,good luck luv barb xxx

Im so sorry that youve had to join us here. I personally had a wle, am currently going through chemo, and will do rads.

Hi Mrs Chesham, I had a mastectomy with LD flap done over 20 years ago. I had chemo first. I was 39 at the time with 2 young daughters. Twenty years on and my “new boob” still looks good…unfortunately the “good” boob is defying gravity and could probably do with a lift!!,but I will just live with it now as when I wear a bra or low top, you would never know I had had a mastectomy at all. Good luck with your research. I had no choice really as the tumour was large but I do not regret the surgery and am still pleased with the results. The treatment has kept me here and I have enjoyed watching my two daughters grow up. Hope you reach a decision soon because once you know where you are going it makes things easier to deal with. Have you had a chat with a Breast Care Nurse at your hospital? Do you have a Maggie Centre near you because they have a great library and nurses there to discuss such things. Love Val X

Hi Mrs Chesham,

Sorry you have had to join us here! I was diagnosed beginning of Dec too and still awaiting a surgery date as I will be having a Bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I am 29 with 3 kiddies and that is the thing that worries me the most is being able to look after them!

I know how you feel about trying to get info and feeling a little bit overwhelmed…it does take time to let it all sink in.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Paula xx

im new to this like youeself diagnosed early dec 09 had mastectomy on 21 dec plus sentinal noding . surgery went well but unfortunatly sent noding positive ,having surgery on monday 11 jan for lymph node removal not looking forward to having surgery again but trying to be positive! i hope everything goes well for you keep in touch xx

Hi maisie54 and Mrs Chesham

As well as the support you are both receiving from your fellow forum users you may find the BCC resources pack useful. It has been designed specifically for those newly diagnosed and has information to help you understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like a copy just follow the link below:-


I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Thanks to all you lovely ladies who have replied to my post its a great comfort to know I can get lots of support from everyone on here.

I’m due to see my consultant on Friday so I’m hoping I will be able to get more info then in the meantime best wishes to you all and I’ll report back after Friday!

A x

Just to say, cyber hug for Friday and let us know how you get on.

Hi Ladies

I’ve been given a date for my op and its this Friday - my consultant has said he would prefer me to have any treatment I may need before I have a reconstruction so that part is being delayed for now. I think I’m ok with that but I guess I will have very diffent feelings when I come round but I’m hoping in time I will get used to things.

Any tips/advice anyone can give on prosthesis and bras would be of great help and much appreciated.


A xx

Good luck for Friday.

Paula xxxxxx

Hi Mrs Chesham,

I was diagnosed in March 09 and had chemo first then mastectomy in Sept 09. The cancer I have is very aggressive so I delayed a reconstruction because I was having radiotherapy after the op and didn’t want to hold up my treatment more than necessary. I haven’t regretted my decision at all and now think I might not bother with the recon. My surgeon has agreed to do a reduction on the good side since I’m now a small person with 1 large boob (which means wearing a large prosthesis).

As to advice about prostheses and bras. A good prosthesis can make a huge difference to how you look and feel and there are lots of different types. At first you’ll be given a temporary softie to wear after your op. You’ll be offered a prosthesis fitting on the NHS for your more permanent version once your wound is healed. It is important that they get it right. If you’re not happy with what they give you for any reason don’t just put up with it. Breast Cancer Care have a very good fitting service and will offer a wider selection than NHS if you have been unable to find one suitable.

BCC also offer good advice about what type of bras to buy. You’ll be surprised at how many different styles you can wear once your wound is healed and any soreness from rads settles. After about 6mths you should be able to wear underwired styles again if that’s what you prefer. If you can, try to find a local lingerie shop that offers a specialist fitting service. Post mastectomy bras come with pockets for your prosthesis but you can have a pocket fitted in most bras for a nominal charge. Some people don’t use a pocket and just slip the prosthesis into their bra. You’ll discover for yourself which you prefer. I like the safety of a pocket because my prosthesis is large and heavy.

Good luck for Friday. I hope it all goes smoothly. Do take the paracetamol after the op. It really does help. Take it regularly as advised and you should have very little pain.

Jan xxx

I found out on Friday that I have breast cancer. It was quite a shock…I had some tests before Christmas, but they said that they were inconclusive and so wanted me back as soon as we returned to the country after the holidays! ( I come from Scotland, but we live in The Netherlands). Had biopsy done on Wednesday and results on Friday…Now I have to go and see the surgeon today and they’re talking about an operation date for the 21st January…

My Mum died in October from breast cancer…and I was just about to start our next round of IVF treatment!!

Feel all over the place!


Hi mg, I am sorry that you have had this sudden news. I live in Edinburgh and get treated at the WGH. It is a great hospital. I first had BC over 20 years ago and have every faith in the specialist doctors there. If you have any questions at all feel free to ask me. (If you prefer you can send me a private message).
There are a few girls on the "Edinburgh " Thread that you may bump into when you are at the hospital.
We are meeting up on Thursday 28th. (See the EDIN thread for details). Let us know if you want to join us. We all know how you feel and are at all different stages of BC. Love Val

Go in on Wednesday of next week for the radio-active dye bit…Then into hospital for the operation on Thursday!

Doesn’t feel real…


hi mq, my god its awhirlwind isnt it i was diagnosed 2 weeks b4 xmas its a nightmare… i worried about the radioactive injection done th day b4 but it was fine just grit ur teeth!! good luck with th op xxx