just diagnosed

I found out Tues that I have breast cancer, they took cells for sampling, and all the consultant said was that she would be removing the breast cancer and some cells, and then I would have some treatment afterwards. I feel really lost at the moment and cannot stop my emotions running away with me. I have two teenage daughters, and need to be strong for them. I have to have another scan and biopsy next week on my left breast as the scan showed another area that could be cancer, but it was to small for them to make a 100 per cent decision. Just very lost and bewildered. Sorry to sound so miserable


sorry you have had to join us on this site, but you have come to the right place. other ladies will be along shortly to re-assure you about things and give you support/advice.

the first few weeks are not great, but you will start to feel a little better once you know what treatment your having and when you start it things will improve. the helpline on here is brilliant please ring them with any questions or advice or just to speak to someone. i have a few times about different things and it really helped me. they are open today while 2.00pm i think if you need to talk.

keep posting with your updates, questions or thoughts and everyone on here will help you get through it.

lots of hugs TTM xxx


Sorry you are joining us one here. Don’t worry about sounding miserable, this is one place you can sound as miserable as you like, ask questions and someone is sure to know the answer, or just find someone to hold your (virtual) hand as you get through this.

I was diagnosed mid December so I can sympathise with how you feel. It is all strange to start with, and takes time to come to terms with it. Things will start to feel a bit better once you know what they have found and what your treatment plan is (I know that sounds a bit odd but I promise for most people it is true). I am part way through treatment now.

In the meantime the best advice I can give is not to Google, there is a lot of outdated information there and you can scare yourself silly. Best to ask here, and use the helpline here which many people find useful.

Hi Libby

As Lakeslover says, the Helpline are great if you need to talk things through or need further information, they’re open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 9-2. Do give them a call if you feel you need to talk:

0808 800 6000

I also wondered if you might find it helpful to receive a copy of our Resource Pack, its filled with information to help you understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available and can be ordered via this link:


Hope you find this useful.

Best wishes.


hi libby,
i was diagnosed on the 20th jan and i have 4 kids and i felt like my world had been turned upside down, i have been thru every emotion from denial to anger to tears and my hardest problem is i dont want my kids to see me upset as they look up to me to always be the strong one.
I found this forum has been so helpful as you can feel quite alone and it made me realise your not so anytime you want to rant or chat we can message hun x x x

Big Hugs x x x

Libby, you have my sympathy as I too have recently been diagnosed and go for a mastectomy next Tuesday (7th Feb). Have been through the same as you queenie74 and keep bursting into tears at the slightest thing!!

My daughters are older than yours, they are both in their 30s , one was really upset and the other seems to think it is just another one of life’s little quirks that are thrown at us now and then!!! I just hope I can be as brave when I go into hosp next week! My biggest fear was that my husband wouldn’t like what he saw when I had the op!! He said I would be just the same person underneath and that wouldn’t change!! Bless him, he has been my rock in the past 2 weeks since diagnosis.

Sending you all lots of hugs and hope you get through it all ok.
CarolR xxxxx

Libby12 - Hi, I was diagnosed only last Friday and am having surgery this Monday, all happens so fast but that’s good - I’m really sorry to hear your news and I’m new to this forum but since I have joined honestly it’s like a lifeline - so much valuable support, comments and lovely people. I waiting is the worst, I have to wait 10 days after my op to get the results to see if its spread anywhere else, thats the bit I can’t cope with but us ladies are strong individuals and we will get through this - I cry every day, I’m positive every day and I’m a mess every day but I know deep down I will be ok - stay positive and keep your chin up hun, you WILL get through this. X

Hi, this is my first post. I was diagnosed on Wednesday and go in for mastectomy and lymph removal on Monday 13th Feb. The worse thing was telling my children 14 and 11 (his 12th birthday is on 16th Feb!!). My husband is being amazing. I’ve also got a lump in my neck which only came up last Sunday. They took a biopsy of this on Wednesday, can’t wait for the results as I’m really worried about it.

Hi oohermrs

Welcome to the discussion forms, I’m sure you’ll find them a great source of information and support.

As I said to lakeslover earlier in this thread, do ring our Helpline and have consider ordering our Resources Pack at the link above. They should help with understanding your diagnosis.

Best wishes


Just got back from biopsy results. It’s small, but it’s malignant, so mixed news I suppose. Booked for lump and sentinel node removal on 22 Feb with next lot of biopsy results on 6th March. Those 2 weeks will be a nightmare of anxiety, if the last week’s anything to go by! :frowning:

I actually feel slightly better now I know what’s got to happen and relieved it isn’t a full mastectomy, however, I have just frightened myself reading the information from the hospital about having to inject myself daily to prevent thrombosis and that 80% patients have to go back to have fluid drained. All very scary, after I’d convinced myself it was “just a small operation”.

I am now waiting for my daughter (24) to come out of her job interview, so I can tell her the real news - I just replied to her text by saying it wasn’t too bad, earlier, as I didn’t want her thinking of me and blowing her chance of the job! Got to face phoning my son (27) later. His boss’ wife is currently receiving treatment for BC, and I’m not sure if that’ll make it easier for him or not.

Good luck to everyone else awaiting results or undergoing treatment. I am glad of the support to be found here, I am sure it will be a real lifeline!

Hi JCJ, Im in the same position as yourself, was diagnosed last Friday and having lump and node removed this Monday then a dreadful 10 days wait till the results to see if its spread - the waiting is definately the worst bit I think, I have only joined the forum this week and it has been my lifeline, so many positive comments and host of information from ladies who are further on than us - everyone is positive and very helpful. Really sorry that you have to join but you have definately come to to the right place for support - good luck in your journey and take care. Jo

To you all Telling the children grown up or otherwise is tough
but they may cope better than you think. Mine certainly have I was diagnosed with BC on the 16th Jan after excision biopsy on the 3rd. I went in for sentinel nodes and WLE on the 25th and am awaiting results on the 8th. I have to say that surgery went well and although i didnt enjoy it i coped my wounds are healing well and I had a seroma first time but havent had one this time i think most seromas are reabsorbed naturally and are not always problematic. I went to m and s and bought some total support bras which are functional and have worn one all the time day and night as advised by the surgeon and it has helped with the pain and wound feels supported. Whilst waiting for the results i am tearfull and it is a frightening process however some how you manage

My thoughts and best wishes are with you all and we can share the journey if you want if you want to ask about the experience feel free The only other thing I would say telling our good friends has helped enormously i have been supported. And the children have really been marvelous they are 20 26 28 and none of them are at home two live 150 miles away and one 20 miles at uni Best wishes and good luck

I’m wondering about buying better bras. But as I am 44E it’s not easy to get them, especially as I need cotton ones because I suffer with a fungal rash underneath - the least of my worries now I suppose.

On a lovely positive note, my daughter got her job!! She’s really happy about it so we can celebrate that, even though it means she’ll be moving even further away.

struggled getting suitable bra first time I am a GG cup and i found its made all the difference wearing them I much prefer something more frivolous however the total support are cotton lined and very comfortable and cheap at 16 pound.need advice from fitters you know your children best but i was gutted telling mine especially as one of them has a brain tumour it broke my heart but they have been great and although they are away they have been on the phone all the time and they have come home and supported each other They have made me proud but i still cry a lot and want to protect them

Its an unpredictable journey but we are not alone

love poppy

sweetheart be as miserable as you like - I cried for an hour yesterday on being told of lymph node involvement which they originally thought I didn’t have. I do find though that talking to the helpline professionals really works. You may have to wait a bit if they are busy but they are really patient and supportive. Sorry you are in this situation, but I and everyone else on this board are in the same boat and we keep each other afloat.

bless you im really sorry to hear about your cancer. if you dont mind me asking on your referral to the best clinic did u have a mammogram done followed by other tests? my nan has been diagnosed with breast cancer and shes due for surgery on 09/02/2012, all they did at the breast clinic was take a biopsy from the lump no mammogram was done, how could drs be sure that cancer is not in any other part of that breast or in the other breast, ive heard a mammogram is one of the first tests done would u be able to shed some light on my query. il b grateful thanks

sorry to hear about your Nan She will have access to a breast care nurse i would ring them and ask your nan to give permission for you to talk to her. They will be able to explain whats happening they have a rationale for everything

love poppy

Kit 20

sorry to hear your news whats the plan for treatment. thinking of you during this difficult journey

love Poppy

Newly diagnosed yesterday following a second mammogram,ultrasound and biopsy on my wedding anniversary on Feb 1st.
As other ladies have mentioned,my emotions are all over the place,hardly slept a wink last night.
Maybe i did the wrong thing by reading the pack of booklets i was given at the hospital to try to make me tired…had the opposite effect.Now i AM worried.
I’m trying so very hard to be positive,but inside i’m a wreck.
Still in disbelief…i’m sure i will get my head around everything,so much to take in.Visit the BCN on thursday to chat at length about my treatment plan.Op is on March 1st.

Hi Chris what type of surgery are you undergoing and how are you feeling today

love poppy