Just diagnosed

Hi, I received my BC diagnosis on Wednesday and will be having an MRI (6th March) and CT & Bone Scan before my treatment plan has been put in place.


My histology is Grade 2 IDC, Ki67<30%, ER positive, awaiting HER2 results.


Trying to remain positive…

Hi Tstock, just wanted to say hello and welcome to the wonderfully supportive forum - the first steps where you are going through tests, results and more tests is so difficult - well done for staying positive but don’t be surprised if you go through the whole range of emotions - it feels like a cliche to describe this as a roller coaster ride but its true. Everyone handles it a little differently - some people want to keep it quiet and get on with ‘normal’ life as much as possible, others find it helpful to tell a trusted circle of friends and family so there is a support network around them. Only you will know what is right for you but rest assured this forum is a wonderful place for advice, support or just an outpouring of blah re what is going on… there will always be someone who is or has gone through something similar.

Thinking of you and sending supportive thoughts for the next steps in the process xx

Hi -I also got my results on Wednesday It is scary Focusing on what we know & that it has been caught! Keeping busy