Hi Everybody,
I was diganosed yesterday and am in shock!
I thought I knew the warning signs, especially since my Mom had it as well.
I am not so worried about procedures, no choice.
My big worry are my kids, oldest is 26, youngest 16. My husband
passed away 5 years ago, so I have been keeping my family going!
Plus we live in Japan. Great health care but very conservate in their
approach. A friend of mine had a mascetomy and was in hospital for 4 months,
my Mom, in the UK, only spent a week in hospital!
love to talk to others as I am going stir crazy!
Hey Jackie,
Sorry you are here, but I’m sure you will find lots of advice and support to reassure you at this very challenging time. Interesting you say about the Japanese healthcare system being conservative and - maybe over cautious - I hadn’t realised that. I have to say that even for a mastectomy here nowadays, a week would be a hugely long time to be in hospital, and infact many go home the next day. For more minor procedures, like lumpectomy and node removal you are usually home within hours. However, by the sound of it you feel confident that your treatment regime will be really good, so thats the important thing.
Do you know much about your dignosis yet in detail ?
It is a horribly and deeply shocking thing to be given a bc diagnosis, as my breast cancer nurse said ‘this is psychologically a big deal’. I don’t know your situation there, and if you have other family around you, or lots of friends, but I’m hoping there are some who are able to support you. Of course you can post here anytime, and there will always be somebody to share experiences with. x
Hi Jackie,
I do hope you are ok, I was diagnosed recently so I know how you feel.
Four months seems a long time in hospital , I hope the food is better than here in the UK !
I still have to wait to start my treatment at least another week or two and find that the hardest bit.
The family is my worry too I keep really upbeat with them but am worried sick about what the future brings and don’t want them to worry or struggle to help look after me.
Please keep us updated on how you are and your treatment it will be really interesting to compare the two approaches.
Best wishes
thanks for the replies!
I am waiting on biospy results and will have a MRI and CT scan
nest week. Waiting is hard, I need my mind to stop going to
what ifs! I tell myself that my Mom beat this and she had an unhealthy lifestyle,
smoking and not eating right!
I’ve reached out to some good friends, if the doctor says it’s okay then I
will join a yoga class that a friend of mine runs, more to get out than for
the exercise!
My big worry is the kids but they seem okay! They come and talk to me, ask
questions. My youngest can see a school councilor this week to help her!
I’m glad that I’ve found this support group. feels less lonely somehow!
Thanks for the replies!
In Japan things move fast! May 21st diagnosed, June 1st masectomy!
I am trying to get my head around things! Looks like it was caught in time.
No other cancer in my body and my lymph nodes were negative!
Going back on June 11th, hope the drain can be removed, talk to
the doctor to see if follow up treatment is needed!
Glad it is over and done with!