Where are you Mallysally???

Are you ok please let us know.

We can help if you talk to us.



Ditto what Ann has just said…

P xxx


Totally agree with Paula forget the numbers, I wont be asking for my prognosis either It would mean nothing to me because I am going to get over this and it will just be something that happened to me years ago.

Debs x

P.S. Hi Paula hope you are doing ok how is it going with the tablets?

Hi Mallysally,

I’m 39 and was dx with invasive ductal 10 weeks ago. it is shock but try and stay positve. i’ve had my op’s and am due to start chemo. i’ve had alot of support from the other ladies on this site and i now know i’m not alone. any worries just ask and you’ll probably find someone on the site who is or has went through the same thing. we’re all here for you and each other. keep in touch with us or pop into the dew drop inn for a drink.

take care x

many thanks to everyone for your reply’s…
i had my results today it was’nt what i was hoping for, but im thinking possitive . what else can you do

i was told to day that it was two tuma’s 57mm and 47mm and it is invasive cancer grade 2 …
also one in four lymph nodes were infected…
this was a sad day for me and my family… i start my chemo soon and then rads then on tablets for years… how do you try and sink that in to your brain…

HI mallysally

sorry to hear your results but you got them quite early tho, I take it you have had your op then? I wil get my full results next Thursday 4 weeks after my op. But i sort of know anyway because I had a copy of the diagnosis sent to my doctors surgery. Don’t be hard on yourself it takes time to come to terms with what is happening to you, at least on this site you can talk to people that know exactely how you feel. You will get through this, I know at time you can’t believe this is happening to you but it will get easier, I promise!

keep your chin up

Debs x

Sorry to hear your news.The only way I have coped is to take one hurdle at a time as the thought of so much treatment is mind boggling.So since last Oct I have had 7 chemo sessions,op, now 3 weekly sessions of Herceptin for the next year and waiting to start radiotherapy.It seems an awful lot that I have to deal with along with others here but done it we have with lots of support ,tears and you may not believe it now but laughter.
We are all here to help when you need it.

Keep Strong

Hi Mallysally

So so sorry to hear your news. It is devastating at first but we have to pick ourselves up and BEAT IT. I am having my mastectomy next week and have been knocked down many times with new information. I keep remembering that only a few weeks ago I was living a normal life and the biggest decision of my day was what’s for tea!. If I can do this anyone can, talk to your family and be reassured in the fact that you are not on your own we are all living it with you. The medical support you will get will really good they also have done this many times before. Cry when you feel like it and get angry if you need to but you will beat it and come out the other side a stronger person.

I will fight this for my kids, I will be here for them I’ll make sure I am, and so will you.

I will be thinking of you

Lots of love



Hi Mallysalle,
I was dx 8 weeks ago, I’ve had 2 op’s so far and just been referred to the oncologist for the chemo, rads etc.
We will all fight this and we are all here for each other, even if none of us knows each other.

As Ann says don’t be scared to show all your emotions, I don’t know about you but everyone else around me shows theirs to a degree so why not you.
I am so sorry you didn’t get the results you were hoping for but be assured that you aren’t alone and you can always come on here for a moan or a cry.

I hope you feel a bit stronger.

Loads of Love

Hi Lisa

many thanks for your message… i really dont know where i am at the mo…
still finding it really hard to come to term’s with it all

keep having scary thought’s that it has gone else where…

but i’m sure this is a normal feeling …

it just feel’s that my life as been cut short…
this make me very sad…
but there again i could get hit by a bus…

take care
sal x

And please stay strong xx

Hi Sal

I had the same thoughts, has it spread somewhere even started getting symptoms. Has your breast care nurse explained any of the tests they can/will do to check this for you? if not ring and ask her tell her your concerns she will have heard it before. I told mine that my biggest worry was that it had spread elsewhere and she sent me for my blood tests and a chest x-ray these will both give an indication if it has spread, I had these last week came back ok within a few days. She also booked me for a bone scan ( tomorrow ) it really settles your mind to know that it is only the breast cancer that you are fighting. I felt the same as you only a week ago and am much stronger now. Each day as you learn more about what you are dealing with you will get a little stronger.

Write down the tests that I have mentioned and ask for them to be done, don’t feel silly or as if you are being pushy or ask someone close to do it for you.

Please try not to worry I know it’s not easy but you need stay strong. How is your family taking it?, do you have someone to talk to?.

Let us know how you are doing.

Lots of love



Hi Anndi

i sit here and think of lots of thing’s why is my back hurting and my hip’s…

has it gone there …as you do when you have been told you have this bad thing to deal with,
my family have been very good and surportive to me mum and husband took the news very bad but are staying strong and positive for me…
my daughter has been a little star as she is comming up 13… she does not like to talk about it to much …so i watch what i say in front of her she know’s what’s going on but i think she like’s to keep thing’s normal as poss…

i go to see doc on friday for a check up and a drain as my boob keep’s filling up with fluid…

i had a chest xray before opp and nothing was said about that so that must be good news??

but when i am there on friday i will as about futher tests and tell the nurse that i can not move on untill i no that it is just my breast cancer that i am fighting just as you said …untill then i dont feel as tho i can move forward…

take care
sal x