Just found out

Had biopsy yesterday doctor sure very small lump is cancer referred me to surgeons, lympnodes clear as far as she can tell, just need some advice on how to get over the shock and some positive feedback, feeling absolutely terrified!!

Hi Bushy

Welcome to our forum. Sorry that you have found yourself here, but you will get lots of help and support from the lovely ladies on here.

The worse time is getting the results and the anxiety of what will happen next. I wandered around in a daze for 2 weeks while the world carried on without me.

Once you get confirmation of what type you have, then a treatment plan will be put in action, and you will start to feel a little better. There are many women on here, like myself, who have been through it all and come out the other side. It may not feel like it now, but you can do this and you will get better.

Once your treatment starts, try joining the Going Through Treatment section so that you can chat to other women going through the same as yourself.

Feel free to ask any questions that you have and sending best wishes.

Sue xx

Thank you sue for your comment x

Hi Bushy49 - your post could have been myself posting in November last year (I’m 49 not sure if you are) - same thing, biopsy and radiologist said it looked like cancer. Horrible time, waiting around for results but i’m sending you some positivity - after confirmation of grade 2 invasive ductal I had a mastectomy and am currently sat on a balcony in the Canaries with life almost back to normal. I had an immediate implant (you may not need a mastectomy though) - you are at the ‘zombie’ stage where you walk about in a blur convincing yourself the worse - every twinge etc we’ve all been there. It will get a lot easier soon so keep your chin up and head held high and you’ll get through it x

PS they told my my lymph nodes looked clear and they were xx

Hi Bushey


I won’t repeat what everyone else has said, other than I think we all walk around in the zombie stage.  The one thing I did do, was to be kind to myself.  I am usually looking after everyone, and those closest to me, I just said no, I need to deal with this in my own way, which did mean spending time by myself  just thinking. Keep posting and know you are not alone. Xxx

Thanks for all your reassurance! Just had my appointment to see the surgeon on Monday, freaking out a bit makes it so real when you see the letter from the cancer department! can you let me know what’s likely to happen during it,