Good Morning lovelies, we i hope you all dont mind but i have to vent this morning before i fly off into orbit!. Before my last oncology appointment to discuss rads and treatment, i got a letter from breast unit to ask if i wanted every copy letter sent to gp etc after appointment with the various drs i’d already seen along the way.
Now some people may like this information, but to me once id been told it, it put me in a high anxiety state and i wanted to try keep ontop off that not read it all again and start googling various bits of info consultant had ad libbed.
Anyway i ticked the ‘i do not want to recieve any copy letters from appoints or gp copies’ for my own sanity. This was 3 weeks ago. I handed it in at desk at breast unit.
Today, i sat here this morn trying to calm myself ready for the start of my Rads at aintree first thing monday, im having major anxiety about them, when suddenly postman comes up the path. Its my birthday today so i try to jolly myself along keeping cancer thoughts out my head at least for 1 day. The postman pushes thro a ton of birthday card, omg i thought people must be trying to cheer me up at this time how kind.
But as i slow opened them all 4 of them it was copy letters from oncologist to gp to surgeon to bc nurse etc etc etc…i was right back to square one mentally sat in tears at the reality of it all. Why oh why dont they listen.
I know all the info in the letters i know, but to read it all again from day one omg . So thats my rant ladies im sorry, but i tried so hard today to have a day where i didnt cry.
So im off to make cup of tea now and try calm myself down. Thanks for reading…and stay well lovely ladies xxxxx