Just had masectomy

Well ladies, I am a bit sore and numb after my Friday opp but not as bad as what I thought. The worst is the lymph node clearance which feels very dead and weird.  I am doing my exercises and the nurse is coming today. Still got one drain in becasue they put an expander in because there wasn’t enough flesh I think. Being strong but with meltdown now and then. Hope you are all ok and keeping well.  Love and hugs Suzanne  xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Rosie112

I have put you the link below to one of BCC’s publication you might find helpful following your surgery.


Take care,

Jo, Moderator

Hi Rosie112,

Well done you - you must’ve had a rough few days - it’s no wonder you’re experiencing meltdowns.  Don’t be harsh on yourself - just let your emotions go with the flow.  Jackie xx

Hang on in there - well done for getting on line so quickly!