Just had mastectomy

Hi everyone, I am new to this site and I was diagnosed for the 2nd time with breast cancer on the 23rd November 2010, I had a lumpectomy 12 years ago chemo for 6 months and radiotherapy, I had a mastectomy and anxillary node removal on the 1st December 2010, same breast as last time, I am totally devastated by it all I cant get my head around only having 1 breast I hate looking at my scar and feel totally shattered (if that makes sense) I get my results on Monday to determine the next course of action i.e. Chemo or Hormone treatment. I have a brilliant husband who says he doesnt mind what I look like and a brilliant family but it just doesnt make it easier.

We are due to go on holiday in January (which was pre booked before all of this started) and have been looking for swimwear tonight, I cant get over how expensive it is, are these companies taking advantage of us women who through no fault of their own have this horrible disease.

Huge hugs, so sorry you have had to go through all this again. Last time I looked on ebay there were mastectomy swimmers on there, and not too horrendously priced, so that might be worth doing? The alternative could be to get an ordinary swimsuit that has cups in it (I’m guessing M&S, the sort my mum always wears~!), and sew a pocket in yourself for the prosthesis to fit in, and that may work out a little cheaper.

I had mx and anc on 12th November - and I have made a point each day of looking at myself in the mirror - it is getting a little less of a shock each time, honestly. xxxxx

Sophie x

My story is quite similar to yours - lumpectomy 10 years before mastectomy. I lived with one boob for a year while I considered my options and did the whole chemo/rads thing. Hated being lopsided and couldn’t face reconstruction and so had the other breast off to balance me up. I am struggling with some keloid scarring at the moment but otherwise I am very happy indeed to be totally breast free now.

Mastectomy stuff can be a real rip off - but there are lots of options. Have a look at this site - it is excellent. breastfree.org

Learnt a great tip the other day - instead of forking out for expensive swim prostheses use a squidgy wash sponge. I don’t bother with the mastectomy gear I just sewed some pockets into my normal cossie.
Of course you can also go boobfree and stuff what the world thinks.
It is still early days for you - hang in there.

Thank you so much for you support, I really dont know how I would have coped it is so good to have somone else that has gone through the same or going thru the same emotions as I am feeling, it feels as if my world is falling apart and I just want it to stop for a while and me to get off and shout, but I know the world continues and you just have to get on with it!. I get my results back tomorrow so will have a better idea what I am facing.

Good luck today with your results (although luck is hardly the word, but I hope you know what I mean). Hugs coming your way

Sophie xx

Well have been for results and it good and bad, good news is they are treating it as primary and not secondary and also all the cancer has been taken away and it hasnt spread to my remaining lymph nodes the bad is that I am being referred to the oncologist for chemo sessions which I wasnt looking forward to, they have said that the cancer was estrogen stage 3 like last time, they are awaiting some futher tests to see whether herceptin can be taken but the likelehood is the chemo, have had lots of tears tonite. My world feels like it is collapsing again, but I do know that I will get better it just going to be a bit longer than I hoped.

Debs x