just joined Invasive ductal with LCIS

Hello, i have been looking at this site and getting lots of information from it so thought i should join. I found a lump just before Easter and have had range of tests and small operations. I had a mammogram that only showed small calcium deposits, nor was anything shown on my first ultra sound. Two needle tests and a needle biopsey , followed by a lumpectomy finally produced my diagnosis. I had invasive ductal but also LCIS which i was told was an unusual mix. The tumour was only small and was hormone positive. I did not have a clear margin so opted for them to try and get that as i believe hormone thearpy will supress LCIS, and had a central node biopsey. Good news being lymph nodes were clear but they discovered another ductal tumour. Have been recommended a mx with immediate reconstruction. I would be suitable for the matrix reconstruction using pig skin. Please can i hear from anyone who has had this.

Hi ja9,

Welcome to the BCC Forum.  You might find you get more replies to your query about reconstruction if you post in the section: Going through treatment/surgery section of the forum.  I’ve attached a link:


Very best wishes


BCC Moderator