Hello just been told that my CT scan is not clear and my breast surgeon is having a multi disciplinary meeting on Monday to discuss it.
I said i cannot wait that long and need to know as i am thinking the worst and that is that it is so bad it cannot be treated.
I had a lumpectomy but didnt get clear margins and i had a high node involvement with 18 out of 18 n0odes removed being positive for c.
My bc is HER2 positive and my bone scan was clear
I would welcome any comments please
Hello Patricia 11 so sorry you have had to join us. I am probably not the best person as my experience is limited. However, I can say the waiting for results is horrible and we all feel that. The unknown is a very scary place. My imagination can go into free fall. BUT , if you look through some of the treads you will see a lot of positives. There are lots of treatments it’s just getting the action plan sorted. Most of us meet up on Bone Mets. There is a lot of experince , knowledge , kindness and sometimes madness there.
Please take care , when I found these lovely ladies I knew I was amongst lovely wise friends.
Marie xxx
Patricia. sorry you’ve had to join us but welcome. Feel free to vent any anger and frustrations on here…we all totally understand where you’re coming from thinking the worst. I have just been told my skin mets are back after 2 weeks remission and am in the gutter at the moment but these kadies are lways on hand with reassurance. Please let us know how you get on. x