Hi everyone,
Just seen the onc this morning and have been given my XELODA tabs (start tomorrow), it all felt a bit rushed a quick chat ,given the percription to take to the pharmacy and that was it,oh and to come back in 3 weeks. all he said was he expected XELODA to have a lot less side effects ,i had to ask about any sickness tabs to take but he didnt think it would be a problem with this chemo and just said only have one if you need to,(wait and see then just the metoclopramide) also no steriods to take , and no advice whatsoever about hand and foot probs (no cream given either) so all in all i kinda felt like id been given a percription for asprin not chemo. Is this the norm i know after reading some of the posts XELODA appears to be an easier chemo than EPI and some of the other chemos but he made it sound such a breeze, dont get me wrong i realy hope it is after not doing to well on the epi , but still im feeling is that it then is it realy that easy? Should i start moisturing my hands and feet ? Should i take any prevenative sick meds? or should i do what onc says and wait and see . CONFUSED! il be taking 2000 mg twice a day (4 morning and 4 Evening)
Thanks girls i know youll give me the best advice as youve been there.
Hope your all doing ok
Lots of Love
Lindiloo xx
Hi Lindiloo
You probably won’t need preventative anti sickness meds. I do moisturise my hands and feet with a cream you can get on the internet called Udderly Smooth…its for cow’s udders and it has worked for me…no hand and foot probelms and I’m on my 8th cycle of xeloda.
My biggest problem has been diarrheoa…I’ve had my xeloda dose reduced twice now because of it…once had it very badly (like going 25 times in a day…then I did get quite bad nuasea too). I’m now only on a daily dose of 2600mg.
Xeloda is for most people (but not all) much easier than other chemos…generally you don’t get the dreaded fatigue. My oncologist told me to always remember that even though xeloda is a tablet it is still chemo and to ‘treat it with respect’, so I’m sorry you haven’t had much advice.
I am taking xeloda for a regional recurrence (had it with vinorilbione the first 6 cycles).
best wishes
Hi Lindiloo,
I have been taking Xeloda since January and it is relatively easy to tolerate. If you do develop side effects that are troublesome, your onc will probably reduce your dosage in order to get them under control. In my experience, side effects have been cumulative, becoming worse as time goes on.
I did suffer hand/foot syndrome and I used all manner of creams on them and wore gloves and little socks at night which helps enormously. My dose was then reduced and I have had no symptoms since to speak of - though my hands are beginning to dry out again now. Try Udder cream, as Jane suggests, Body Shop Hemp hand cream is good and I also use L’Occitane hand cream.
If you do experience hand/foot problems, talk to your onc about taking Vitamin B6. There are trials going on to see if this alleviates the effects. I took it for some time (cheaper from Holland & Barretts or similar than on prescription) but eventually stopped it and have been fine since.
I was given a DVD about Xeloda when first prescribed it, which covered, when to take tablets, possible side effects, how it works and I can’t remember what else… I know it came from the drug company, and if you look up Xeloda on the net, there is lots of info.
Good luck with it!