Just popping my head round the door....

Just popping my head round the door…

Just popping my head round the door… …to say hi to everyone who knows me - it’s been a while!

I might not post very often, but I’m thinking of you all at whatever point you all are on your journey…

Rainbow Smiles For everyone today…

Roberta x

Hi Hi welcome back. Hope you are keeping well thanks for your rainbow smiles, sure could do with some today…thanks


hiya Rainbow!!! Hiya u !

All the colours of the rainbow!
I have been reading Elaine needs some yellow ! send her a sky full of yellow!

Elaine, I have paint pots of the stuff for you and loads of hugs¦.

Roberta, great to hear from you, I haven’t posted a lot recently.
I went back to the Dr’s 2 weeks ago & referred again…
I wasn’t at rest before Christmas, with this pain I have from my lumpectomy in 1990. The last Hosp appt I had in Dec, just gave me a leaflet for primrose oil and sent me on my way…

Yesterday I went to a Breast clinic in Manchester and got a Mammogram. I sat a while and they had to do a repeat mammogram, but on the the side I hadn’t gone there for.
It was like a little kid pinching my skin! ouch ! lol

I then got an ultrasound scan, the Dr was also checking the side I hadn’t gone in for, she said my notes said left side… I said…no…my pain and lumpectomy was on my right… so both sides got a double check…and both were OK!

I got to see a registrar, a very nice lady.
She said the cause of my pain, from my op, some 17 years ago, was from the scar tissue trying to stretch as my body changes.
The scar tissue cant move as much now, or isn’t as flexible, because it was stitched, inside and out, it now causes pain… it all made sense, I had proper sewing stitches , not like butterflies today…

I got a tick in the box for being discharged and left with a smile…:slight_smile: my mum took me shopping - i ended up spending more !

I went to work today and didn’t move much, felt like I had been thro’t mill, but I can cope with that, it will go…

Great to hear from you !

Smiles from me
Rachel xx

Where have you been Hiya…missed you loads…been through the mill a bit but then it seems you have also…its great to hear from you…was worried you were still suffering with a bad back…lol…Hands are held high to catch your yellow paint and hugs…sure do need them been feeling really tired and weepy a lot these days. Great news about you though and glad you had a good spend…

Look forward to hearing from you again soon

