just saying hello

Well I am back from sunny Wales (not!). Weather wasn’t too good but at least we weren’t flooded out! Missed you lot and my chats on here. Hope you have all been well.

I arrived home to find my appointment for the oncologist to start me on Arimidex but it’s not till August so relishing the break from treatment. Still needing my cyst dressing though not every day anymore and I am hoping tomorrow will be my last day to get it packed.

Got some excellent news. Have been offered a 2 day course through the charity sail4cancer. It’s a freebe and feel very lucky. Can’t wait, I go in 2 wks.

Night night


Welcome back Irene great to have you with us again. Oh gosh i feel sorry for anyone who has been on holiday recently, bloomin awful weather.
You will be trying to find your way round the new forum layout.

What is sail4cancer? it sounds fantastic. i could do with a break away from eveything here. Had a miserabe weekend.

Love Ruthx

Dear Liverbird

You can find more info about sail for cancer at sail4cancer.org

Also if you type sail4cancer into search and click on comments then you will get posts which other forum members have made.

Best wishes



Breast Cancer Care

Hi Irene

Welcome back we missed you. Great news about the sailing. Hope everything is picking up for you now



Welcome back Irene!

Glad the weather did not dampen your lovely break away. Bless you for missing us.

The sailing course sounds just the ticket, I think we’ll all be looking into that now, they’ll be inundated!!

Take care,


Hi Irene

Glad you’re back and have had a good break. Enjoy the sailing, it sounds great. I would enjoy that. I go quite often on Ullswater (but it is mainly being yelled at by my husband for pulling the wrong ropes etc.) I have been away from this site for a while due to technical difficulties. I tried changing password etc, but nothing would let me on, so have re-registered with a new name!

Take care and enjoy your sailing

Nicky (65 and 41)

p.s hope you don’t get this message twice, i typed it once and it completely disappeared, before I could post it! Technology - great when it works !!

glad you’re back thought about you in the rain in Wales!! Sailing sounds good I’m off to St. Ives for a few days on the 14th July hope the weather improves by then. Love Eileen

Hello Irene
Glad to see you back and what great news about the sailing course.

I started taking my Aromasin a few days ago (similar to Arimidex). I’m quite nervous about taking it because of all the side effects these hormonal drugs can have, but I decided I couldn’t put it off any longer.

How’s your hair and did you go without your scarf / wig?

Take care
Love Anthi


Hi Eileen glad you are back missed all your post I am not to keen on this new site I think its hard to get used to. I had my 2nd last chemo last Thursday only one to go now thank god. I see the doctor on the same day as my last chemo the 17th July then I dont have to go back for 6 months so I am really pleased about that.Looking back now it hasent been all that bad I know I can say that as its near the end but I wouldnt like to have to go through it all again.I am hoping to get back to work in August so that my life can sort of start to feel normal again. you take care Love Linda xxx