Just some reassurance (if possible)

I have been on the IBIS II trial and consequently have been having routine yearly mammogramms. Have been recalled a couple of times but it was nothing (just folded tissue apparently). Had the letter this morning to go for the yearly mammo in two weeks time. PETRIFIED. If there is anything there a year on from the last one, is it likely to be small and treatable. I know I am being silly and there are people on here with much more things to worry about than I have. Keep poking and examining myself (can’t find any lumps)but know that that doesn’t really mean anything. Sorry to be a pain but I can’t help worrying that they will find something. Jan

hi there Jan i think we will always feel like that we wouldnt be human if we didnt worry about yearly mammogramms but just think that it is better knowing they are keeping a good check on us so that hopefully we never have to go through this again, and remember they can detect pre-cancerous changes so that if anything was detected it would be so early and small and treatable .I know im talking rubbish saying dont worry because i will feel exactly the same in Feb when my 1st ones due but i think its because we are so terrified it comes back .I dont know what treatment you have had but remember that got rid of all the little blighters. take care and im sure everything will be fine and you can relax a bit untill it comes round next year Julie xxx

Thanks. Just to put things straight, I have never actually had Cancer just lots of scares and two lumps removed, which poved to be nothing sinister. Just need to be able to think that a year down the line from the last mammo if there should be anything there it will be treatable. Sorry to be a pain.

hi I am so worried so posting this to see if anyone else has had any experince like this. It started with a routine mammogram and small area of DCIS on my left which could be done with WLE but would lose my nipple. Have seen consultant today and I have high grade widespread DCIS with mastectomy advised but also MRI has shown up small 3mm something on chest wall of right breast and had another biopsy today. Wont get results till Friday. I dont know what to think. The nightmare is getting worse. Any experience anyone?

Hi Spotnot
I too had widespread DCIS and had no choice but to have a mastectomy. That was 9 months ago and I’m starting to emerge from the nightmare.
You’ve been given some distressing news today and it’s perfectly normal to feel scared. The waiting time is definitely the worst part of this experience. Once you’ve had the results your surgical team will give you reassurance and advice on what you will have done next. Once this is in place you will feel a little more in control- I know I did. I had to wait 5 weeks from dx to mx op but once I had had it I worked on trying to get better.
I won’t pretend it was easy and I cried for what seems like months. But I have come through and am starting to live my life again. The ladies on here are marvellous, so reassuring and comforting. Good luck. I’ll be thinking of you next FRiday.
Cyber hugs are on their way to you.
Annys xx