just started chemo

Hi everyone. I have just started chemo last monday and feeling a bit daunted so far. Im having docatexel, carboplatin and herceptin. Also filgrastin injections from day 3 for 7 days. Its just a regimented thing and so far I feel like i am just sitting waiting for something to happen and time to pass. Had a few side effects, the worse being loose bowels ++. I feel a bit lonely with this thing even though i have family and good friends. Anyone feel similar, or can inspire me to look for the light at the end of the tunnel? x

Hi mossom2,
There will be a thread for May 17 chemo starters under the heading going through treatment.
I joined the August one last year and found it great to chat and exchange tips from ladies going through chemo same time as me.


Take care

It is funny you talk about a tunnel because that is exactly how I used to describe it. That light is definitely there trust me, it is just that while you are going through the toughest part of your treatment it probably looks like a distant pin prick at the moment. I was lucky enough to have family and friends around me but even so there were many days when I felt fearful, scared and very alone. Now, three years further on, in spite of what I refer to as my surgical rearrangements, life is more or less the same as used to be. Just remember the words of that song “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow” hold on to that thought and believe. It may not be quite as quick as “tomorrow” but rest assured it is perfectly possible to feel happy again. Big hugs.

Hi Mossom, I’m two weeks into first chemo, so getting ready for round 2. Know where you’re coming from. Join us on the May 17 group on the chemotherapy thread. X