Don’t let your mouth get into a mess. I will give you my account of my experience on EE/combo I had a very sore mouth with 11 ulcers so they gave me antibiotics and 2 week rest then dropped 10mg to 7.5mg I was told to use corsadyl mouth wash I tried all sorts none alcholic then baking soda with a little salt. I bought a mouth gell from boots called gengigel On the main ee/combo thread ladies were getting a mouth wash from the oncs on prescription called gelclair I asked for some and got it prescribed by my onc why he didn’t give me it in the first place I don’t know it aids healing and is very good. I then found ulcer pastils in boots which helped. But my main rutine became clean teeth after every meal swill with bicarbonate of soda and unless it got sore gelclair. I also was recomended by my dentist to see my doctor for acid reflux tablets because that was what was causing the trouble.
Other side effects were minimal apart from getting spotty. But you will find lots of help on the past thread but I found very few posted at the end.
As you know I am now on cape but I lasted 16 months if you need me you know were to find me.