Just started radio

hi all

I started my first radiotheropy only yesterday and all ready feeling saw any advice. I have got some aqueous cream.

Hi nicolaann

Welcome to the forums, whilst you wait for other users to reply to your post with their experiences you may find it useful to have a look at our fact sheet on radiotherapy. You can find this by following the link below:-


I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards

BCC Facilitator

Hi Nicolaann

The other cream I was told was E45 as well plus Simple products (shower or bath gel).

Hope your treatment goes okay


Hi Nicolaann,

You need to use the aqueous cream liberally 2-3 times a day. Wear natural fibres next to the skin, cotton bra or crop top not too tight. It might seem messy but it is worth it. I have had 24 out of 25 sessions and have not had too much of a problem. It gets worse up to 10-14 sessions ( skin red and sore, feeling tired and weepy) then seems to get better.

Good luck, keep slapping on the cream, and drink plenty too.

I think it depends on the type of skin you have. I have had three separate lots of radiotherapy over the last 13 years and coped well with it from a skin point of view but the fatigue (certainly this time as I’ve had quite a big dose) has been the hardest.


Hi again,

I did mean drink plenty of fluids not the cream!


I have posted this on behalf of new user Helen
Kind regards

hi, good luck with your treatments. If you are like me (and many others) your treatments will be fine and you will meet the same patients/staff everyday which is really nice. Just take care of your skin in the whole area as soon as your treatment starts. Ive just finished mine and the burning didnt start until about the 20th session.I am now 5days post rad and i am on fire! all of the advice on here is great as i think everyone reacts differently to different treatments. GOOD LUCK.

Hi again Nicolaann

Hope all is going well with you, I have now finished my 25 and have been told that the redness etc. will go on for another couple of weeks! I have a lovely red square on my right side where the rays have been, it probably shows up more because I am very fair skinned. Fingers crossed that nothing else happens as there can be long term side effects but I am trying not to think about them.

Best wishes

Hi all

I have had 6 treatments of rad so far. surprising how quick the days go by before going for your next one. I find that i
get a little tierd later on in the day and get saw under my arm other then that it is going well. Have to wait till easter is over now to continue with the 19 that iv got left so now i can chill out for now… Have you got any other treatment now that your 25 sessions have finished abismum.

Best wishes

I was seeing a herbal dietician at the time and she recommended Aloe Vera GEL - make sure it is the 99% aloe vera. I slathered it on immediately after the rads and then used Greenpeople’s Organic Base moisturiser.

It really helped and the most I noticed was a vague pinkness towards the end.

Hope this helps.

Love Caz xxx

Hi nocolaann,

Sorry not to reply sooner, had visitors over the weekend.

I have finished my treatment now. I had the rads as an insurance policy really, because my tumour was large and close to the skin and chest wall, so I decided to take the risk and have them. I had an immediate LD recon. without an implant, so they were ok about doing them. So far I think it has survived. Still sore under my arm I think I misjudged the area that was zapped and didn’t put enough cream there to start with so the skin has gone very dark brown and was very dry, but it has improved since putting cream on almost hourly.

Good luck