Just to let you know how I am doing


I haven’t posted anything for a while.

To recap, I was diagnosed in June 2009 with DCIS and had a mastectomy in December 2009 which showed a grade 3 tumour, two lymph nodes postive out of 21 and I am HER2 positive, ER7/8 and PR7/8.

I have had chemo (FEC ok but Taxotere was horrid), had radiotherapy (a relaxing time), on Tamoxifen and just had number 9 of my Herceptin.

I have been back at work since July and my husband took me of a cruise to the Med for two weeks in September.

I do not have any side effects from Herceptin but I have very fine downey hair from Tamoxifen on my face.

I am getting my weight back again and I have changed my diet to help that I do not get a reoccurence again and life a long life. I am 51.

I do not drink alchol anymore as each unit can increase one’s change of getting breast cancer by 10% I think it is. I am now drinking five cups of green tea a day, one glass of pomegrante juice a day, an apple a day, broccoli each day and blueberries and porridge each day.

I am then eating only health foods with a weekly dose on Omega-3. I do have the odd treat now and again in biscuits.

Hope everyone is ok.

Hi there
Wow, you look good for 51! Liking the photo and the hair growth.

If each *unit* of alcohol increases your chance of recuurence by 10%, then I am 10,000% sure to get a recurrence. On my 3rd glass of wine tonight. F*ck it. If I’m going to die, I’m going to die happy.

But seriously, I am really glad you are feeling well.
Flora xxxx

Hi Flora29

Just to let you know that although I am 51 my photo was taken at the beginning of this year and I’m wearing a wig. I actually wore the wig about twice as it was really uncomfortable.

I am uploading a new picture of me.
