Just to say Hi & glad I found this site!

Hello there,Well it’s back!! this time in my bones diagnosed last October after nearly 10yrs, rather frightened still can’t believe it’s happened but want to get on with my life!back on Tamoxifen& Bonefos but might need chemo! don’t think I have the strength to go through all that again;sorry moaning usually v bright anyone out there in Somerset want to get group together for chats? M oliver

Hi, I felt just the same when having to start treatment all over again. On my dark days I remember thinking ‘what’s the point’ or ’ I can’t take it’, but it’s just like the first time really, just taking one day at a time. There’ll be good ones and bad ones and the treatment on my spine mets show that my bone is now actually healing! So there you go, it does work. Chin up!


Margo so sorry you’re having to face the prospect of chemo again but take hope from Annie81. I had bone mets dx last March after more than 10 years from primary and yes it is huge to try to get head around! So far have not had chemo for mets, just Femera and zometa.There is a group in Somerset which looks good though it is mixed stages not just secondary,I suppose it depends what you’re looking for. I think the thread is ‘hands up if your in Somerset’

Glad your treatment has been successfull Annie81, my last scan showed some healing of bone so I know how good that feels!

Best wishes, Julie x

Hi Margo and all…I’m in my 8th year of living with bone mets and my bones are, now, in great shape. Lots of healing and no bone pain…there are so many treatments available for bone mets Margo…and you will find lots of advice and info here…I wish we didn’t all have to post on ‘secondaries’ but it’s a very supportive place…x

Hi Margo
Sorry you have to join in on the secondaries part of the forum - somewhere that none of us want to be. However you will find a lot of support and information on here so you will soon find you are not alone. I was in the same position as you are now 3 years ago so can vividly recall how awful it is to find out that your BC has spread - mine took 5 years rather than your 10 years. I did have chemo after my dx, partly because I had a local recurrence as well and this was certainly do-able - I think some of the chemos have moved on a bit since you would have had it first time around - or maybe the anti-sickness medication is just a lot better! Since my dx I have been living life pretty much as normal with just a few more aches which is probably down to the hormone treatment rather than anything else. There is another ‘thread’ on here called ‘Bone Mets - please join in’ which you may also like to read through, and join in - you’ll see there’s a lot of ladies in the same position as you are. Good luck with any treatment you have.

Hi Margo
have PMd you but will flag up the site hands up if you are in Somerset so you can join us there


Hi Ladies, This is my first post. Was diagnosed with bone mets in December only 2 years after my primary, have started on Femara and Zometa after some Rx for the pain. All seems to be going well and wanted to say how comforting I find all your comments and in sights- it truly helps me to stay positive.

Sorry you have to join us augusta…but ‘hello’ and good to hear all is going well.

Hi august19 i would like to say hello and welcome there are a lot of women on here who you can chat with they may be able to help you with any worries and concerns you have

hi augusta19,
Sorry you’re here, but welcome.Good to hear things are going well at moment and glad you’ve found the site. It is a friendly place with lots of support and love, so I hope you’ll continue to use it and find it helpful. xx

Hi Augusta
Just to add my welcome to you and know that you really do not want to be here - like the rest of us. As everyone else has said there is a lot of information about our experiences and support on here so do ask any questions you might have although it sounds like you and your onc are already dealing with your treatment. I certainly found I could cope more with my secondary dx once I had my treatment plan and felt my mets were being dealt with.
Nicky x