Just want to say thanks

I visited my gp last week for a strange mark on right breast, she found a lump in the left side. I was referred for a two week wait appointment, which duly arrived for the 4th November. Rang the helpline in high anxiety but left the call feeling much more relaxed having had the appointment procedure explained, so a huge thank you. 
on Tuesday i got a call asking if I could take a cancellation for Wednesday, of course I took it and went in to outpatient where I was seen by a surgeon and wonderful nurse, examined and told two lumps. Sent upstairs for a mammogram, no where near as bad as I had thought, can’t even begin to say how relaxed the team were in this department. Not once did I feel undignified with both breasts out, procedure was fine and completely reassured at all times, after the radiology people looked at it they said it was fine and I could go on my merry way. The initial mark I went to the gp with is suspicious but they are going to review in 8 weeks and then biopsy if needed.

The worst thing about this experience was anxiety I placed on myself, so if like me you’re reading this forum not wanting to partake please don’t waste time worrying about the screening process, they make it very comfortable.  And ring the helpline because that was a true relief.  Of course, my thoughts are with the lady diagnosed as I was there, which was heartbreaking. Felt like a fraud for being there, but will be telling every lady I know to check their boobs, there’s a lesson learnt by me at 47. 

Dear Essie,

what a lovely post to read well done to you for coming on the forum to put other’s at ease I feel sure a lot of ladies will be take on board what you have said. 
Wishing you well going forward, fingers crossed for a good outcome.

Big hugs Tili :rainbow: :rainbow: