
Hi everyone 

I finished chemo in November & had surgery 4 weeks ago (wire guided wide local excision to right breast plus reduction to left breast). Feeling good and healing well.

Yesterday I met with my oncologist to discuss next steps I.e herceptin & letrozole. However, I’ve been offered Kadcyla for 12 months instead of Herceptin & the thought of chemo for another year fills me with dread. 
Does anyone have experience of Kadcyla which they would be willing to share? I would be so grateful!

Many thanks 

Hi Sandra,

I felt I had to reply to your post.

My daughter was in the same position as you a year ago.She too was offered Kadcyla and the thought of another long spell of chemo filled her with dread too.

Everybody is so different to how they tolerate these drugs but I can honestly say Kadcyla was nowhere near as bad as her previous chemo.The first couple of days she was tired but as time went on she was able to continue her daily life and get out and about,we even went to Centre Parcs with her little son.Her hair also continued to grow slowly.A couple of months before the end of her treatment she even managed to return to work on a very part time basis.

She then started to realise that she had been very fortunate to be offered Kadcyla as it’s pretty costly too!Belts and braces.  The only thing she was cautious about still was taking care  mixing with her immune system but this didn’t stop her doing things.

Hopefully once you start the treatment you too will realise it really isn’t as bad as you thought it would be.xx