karen just a query

karen just a query

karen just a query hi karen just a question from another karen im on arimidex and zoladex as well, going ok after 3 injections then had some bleeding i was told not to worry and just keep an eye on it , im wondering whether it would just be better to have a hysterectomy as this has been mentioned have you been told any thing about periods while on zoledex. thanks

Hi Karen Hi Karen
I am not sure that i can offer much help as i am on tamoxifen. I never had any bleeding as my periods never had a chance to return after chemo. I had a large mass encompassing my left ovary and there was talk of a breast cancer gene and another ovarian primary. The oncologist suggested that i have a hyst immediately and this was a heart wrenching decision for me as i have no children. I decided that i would have the hyst and was very fortunate in that the 3 masses in my ovary and fallopian tubes were benign. I think that there was an angel looking out for me that day. I would suggest that if you are uncomfortable at all with the medical advice you were given, i would ask for a second opinion from a gynecologist/oncologist . I think that if the bleeding keeps up i would ask if an endometrial biopsy is warranted. I had an endometrial biopsy done right in the doctors office.
I was a little bit more uncomfortable than a pap test but not really nasty.
I hope this helps
I wish you the best and please let me know how you make out