KathyF …I had just become aware that I had not seen any posts from KathyF for a little while. So I carried out a search (during one of her posts she made me aware of this facility), and it says her account is now closed. Does anyone know anything about this or can illuminate?
Kathy. I read a post from Kathy a few days ago, it’s in the Family. partners and friends forum. The title of the thread contains ‘a couple of questions’ in it.
She posted on 1st Feb on “Friends and Family” forum under “Decision not to have treatment”.
…ah - I’ve been discontinued too! …when I searched for me using the search facility! Glad KathyF has not been expelled as I look forward to her posts. Thanks ladies for being much more observant than me. ~Search party over and out.
System glitch Thanks for pointing this out Celeste. I suspect there is a glitch in the system which is saying accounts are closed when they are not. This is not affecting anyone’s ability to post. I’ll ensure it is looked into by our technical people.
Kind regards
BCC Moderator
Thanks moderator…
…wouldn’t it be a good idea if moderator’s had names (well I know they do) - names they could use whilst ‘on duty’. It just seems very strange saying thanks moderator.
Nice to be missed! Just back from a weekend away, Celeste, and didn’t expect to find a search party out after me after only 4 days Glad the glitch has been sorted out - I don’t want to be closed down just yet, even accidentally!
Now to catch up with the rest of the forums. It’s amazing how many new posts there are since last Thursday. Who said the new forums are quiet?
Kathy xxx
glad you are back - and not banned! …thought you must have been naughty. I hope your weekend end was a good one.