Katie Price / Tickled Pink Campaign

This is such a sh**ty disease!!!

just wanted to say a big thankyou to you wonderful women who have spoken out and represented us all, especially you Debs and Sharon. you are an inspiration. thankyou and well done. xxxx

Thank you ladies for taking the time to represent us. You were all so calm, dignified and eloquent.

I was very impressed with Cathy in the BBC studio at 8.20. It was very clear from her interview that we weren’t just “Katie bashing” but we were genuinely upset by KP’s comments on her tv programme.

Someone posted a link to the Sun newspaper earlier on this thread where there was an article about KP being dropped from Asda’s Tickled Pink campaign. The article didn’t mention the comments she made on her TV programme. People were posting on the forum on that site comments like “Oh poor Katie! Why doesn’t everyone just leave her alone?”. After hearing the full story and listening to the item on the BBC News I hope people will see that we were not just moaning for the sake of it and we had a genuine grievance.

Thank you BCC for taking this matter seriously and inviting us to become involved in future campaigns.

Phew! I hope we can all relax now. My OH was sending emails to Asda and BCC - I have never known him to be so angry!

Maude xx

Jo, I wonder if your post was aimed at my post? If that is the case I would have preferred it if you had pm’d me privately. That said, I think I have voiced what pretty much most of the women here must be feeling. I appreciate that Dianna was in no position to criticise neither Katie Price nor Asda – even publicly, but sheer honesty would have more preferable.

I still feel that Katie was a disastrous choice given her ‘appeal’ to the world. Her career choice is purely about selling HER (her body and boobs) a choice none of us BC ladies have – despite reconstructive operations after diagnosis. Careful consideration must be taken into account when celebrities are ‘needed’ to endorse any product but a ‘product’ which is a Breast Cancer Charity needs fastidious thought. There is more at stake here than purely raising cash, there is the awareness to BC, the seriousness to BC and how it affects both patient and surrounding family and friends. I appreciate that this may sound all doom and gloom (and for many survivors it isn’t) but the title ‘tickled pink’ isn’t the term any of us would use to describe how we felt (or still feel) upon diagnosis.

Surely, as a prominent charity yourselves, you have some influence on what a campaign should or shouldn’t be called.

Hi supermum

The person concerned was sent a private message regarding the content of their post on this subject, but we felt it only fair that we remind all users about what is agreed through terms and conditions when registering with this site. Trust you understand.

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

Jo I feel relieved to read this - I am sure quite a few here, including myself have been asking the judas question!!! “is it I?”. Maybe it was inappropriate to put a warning like this. I think what some of us have expressed just indicates how frustrated and fed up we have felt over having our views ignored for years now. KP just seems to have brought it all to a head and I am so glad at long last, hopefully, something is going to change. Views have been expressed here far more eloquently than I could ever manage and I want to join with all the others in saying such a huge thank you to debs, cathy & sharon for their courage at a time when it cannot have been easy for them especially debs when she is really so ill. THANK YOU :slight_smile:


I know just how you feel I too thought it could have been me.
I think in a strange way we have Katie Price to thank, the remark she made upset so many that our voice became loud and clear and we all united. Over the past few years this has always been a controversial topic. I feared that this could be my last October so I would try and highlight my disappointment. We have lost so many cyber friends in what seems a short space of time and we have all shed tears I wanted to speak for them.
Glad it is all over and now anyone who wants to contribute can contact Diane Jupp and get involved.
I love this forum and bcpals the women involved are truly just that, pals.
Love Debsxxx

Total respect to all you ladies involved in highlighting the inappropriateness of using KP as part of the campaign and congratulations on the result! I was having a bit of a self pity party today and after reading the posts I have to say thank you for making me so proud to be in the company of you ladies.

Oh Debs, well said.

Maud, thanks for your comments. I’m so glad it came across that we weren’t just a bunch of bitter ‘Katie Bashing’ women. I’d read comments on other forums that suggested that all we wanted to to was knock her and I wanted to stamp on that to ensure that that Mr & Mrs ‘Jo Bloggs’ actually ‘got’ what we were going on about which is to ditch pink (beautifully put across by Debs and Sharon) and the other point about not using inappropriate celebrities in campaigns. I think with all the different interviews, we put across an excellent balance of views and people hopefully took us seriously and didn’t write us off as a bunch of women having a bitch about a celebrity.

And yes, Debs, isn’t it ironic that we managed to raise our profile by almost ‘using’ the KP situation, albeit accidentally, way to go!

Can’t wait to ‘get involved’ and hopefully ‘change the colour’ or at least a slogan or two!!

Lots of love to all. Cathy xx

Dear All,

Breast Cancer Care have been talking with the ASDA team about their invitation to forum users to feed in their opinions about ASDA’s campaign in support of Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Campaign. We would like to hear from you so that we can feed in your views to ASDA in a structured way. Please email your comments to:


Very best wishes

Janet BCC Moderator

Just wanted to say, I had an apologetic email from someone at ASDA this afternoon and my original email to them from the end of last week was attached, so at least I felt as if somebody had taken note of my views.

Hi ladies,
I have just come across this thread and have been desperately trying to find a link to what Katie Price said in her show and also the interview on the BBC with some of you ladies on.The links that were posted are no longer working.
I have read all the views but would like to see for myself what Katie said and in the context it was said.
I do think that she is not who i would chosen to represent us brave ladies but she WAS chosen and i think the real issue is that perhaps Katies total ignorance of how we all feel.Perhaps if she had done this campaign alongside some of the real people who are dealing with this it could have been a really positive thing.Like i said it is hard to judge when i have not seen the things she said.
All of our feelings have to be taken into account on this and it’s so great we have this forum to discuss this and feel very proud of the women who went on TV to discuss it,i could not have been so brave.
BCC are a lifeline for me and the 2 day forum i attended in Warrington recently was like a slice of heaven to meet other younger women just like me.To be honest I don’t care who raised the money for that because there is no price on how it made me feel,because sometimes i feel like im in a silent hell while everyone around me is getting on with their lives.
You women got an amazing result getting Asda to drop Katie’s image for the campaign,a big huge THANK YOU!!!Great this is being discussed on tv and radio shows.

Lastly i love the colour pink,would we rather have the colour black,come on ladies it makes it fun for all the people around us who love us and worry about us to get dressed and raise money for us.It is a serious issue,god it has taken away my life my new start i was planning in becoming a nurse(3 weeks into my training)and im single,36 years old but i need the fluffyness too.Look at the pictures of the ladies in pink who run the ‘race for life’!!! I was supposed to run it this year and had my pink t shirt bought along with my best mate but i was in hospital with an infection that my body couldnt fight due to zero white blood count but i had a smile on my face seeing the pics of all the women smiling as they came over the finish line.
I say well done to you/us all!
mandy x

Katie Price bras taken off shelf!


thats great! all our campaigning has been worth while. Joyce

Oh great – The Mirror reports that ASDA are contracting Playboy to provide bras etc. instead of Katie Price! Is that actually better for us? What’s wrong with those guys at ASDA???

Marilyn x

That was my first thought too when i heard that marilyn, did BCC actually listen to us at all? frying pan and fire spring to mind!!!

Luv Pauline x

I think Asda are just looking for a new bra range for big busted womnen.See Mirror link.

Hi everyone

I think ASDA are just hooking to hook up with Playboy to make bras for bigger busted women and I don’t mind that at all, it can be a nightmare trying to find decent underwear if you’re on the larger side.

Another thought, (bear with me on this one!) I’m not so sure it would be a bad thing if Playboy got involved in BC campaign (no I have’t gone nuts!) I think it’s about time the Playboy fans out there (& other ‘top shelf’ mag readers) got to see breasts as not just play things and just as we have ‘perfect airbrushed boobs’ thrown in our faces every day, so could they have a little reality directed in theirs!! Maybe one day, men in general could accept that just because you’ve had breast surgery and no longer have perfect ‘trophy’ breasts, you can still be a beautiful sexual woman (of course, the woman has to be able to accept herself and want this too). I’m not saying ALL men hold this view of course but there are too many who hold the ‘eeeergggh’ opinion about breasts that been ‘tampered with’ due to ignorance & fear. Just my thoughts … xx