Katie Price / Tickled Pink Campaign

Hi Emmeline…hey please don’t feel ‘slightly awkward’ posting your view on here. :slight_smile:
I don’t agree moral judgements are not relevant in this case. I agree, wholeheartedly, with a previous post by Debsy, I feel BCC should have much more input and integrity in this campaign.
I agree BCC do offer great support and services to those who want, need to access it. And Tickled Pink brings in a lot of money. But I still like to think there must be many more innovative and intelligent ways to raise the same amount of funds than this ‘Carry On’ type of fundraising.
This campaign made 7.5 million last year. macmillan.org.uk/coffee

Hi all …i think we all realise BCC needs all the financial support it can get I am one of the models at this years fashion show in two weeks time, of which I am very proud and I too have received some criticism on this forum for taking part as I was accused of glamourising BC.by parading up and down a catwalk ,which is clearly not the case and I am of the opinion that we really do need Breast Cancer Awareness and donations in abundance ,clearly Adsa have done this in the past,but they may have slipped up slightly this time .
my gripe is not an attack on KP herself …per se (although my personal opinion of the woman does tend to get in the way )it is the insensitivity shown on her crass and pathetic programme ,she may be a successful business woman now ,but she was and always will be a Page 3 girl…flashing her baps to the nation …which is clearly how she has got where she is today …if she wants to tell her sordid stories to the gutter press that is her choice but the TV programme clearly showed her for what she is …a pouting ,over enhanced bimbo whose antics have no place in a breast cancer campaign …I perhaps could have coped with her donating from her sales and doing it for the charity but her antics on her TV programme turned it into some sort of carry on film …saucy seaside postcard fiasco which breast cancer certainly is neither !!! Maz

Hi everyone

Emmiline - I agree with Belinda that you shouldn’t feel awkward about putting your point across and like Mazaroo and Belinda and, no doubt everyone here, I realise that we need and am extremely grateful for the money raised for BC. What I cannot agree with is the notion that we should shut up when offence is caused, no matter who by.

Yes I agree totally that ‘you shouldn’t kick a woman when she’s down, no matter who she is’ (mind you, I’m sure there are many on here who would trade their ‘downs’ with her!) BUT didn’t Katie (albeit carelessly and unintended, ie, didn’t think!) ‘kick’ quite a few women with her behaviour and comments? Isn’t it ‘kicking women when they’re down’ to throw big breasts at them when they feel so inadequate about their own breasts? I think using an outspoken glamour girl who is ‘all about flashing breasts’ is about as relevant as using can can dancers to promote a cause for people who cant use their legs! How offensive would that be? Yet, as this is ‘boobs’, ‘boobies’ ‘tits’ we’re dealing with here and these seem to have a comedy element, it is somehow seen as OK to use ‘carry on’ humour. Yes use humour but also PLEASE USE RESPECT! In saying ‘Im sure the public don’t need to see my scared tits’, Katie has straight away ‘confirmed’ the fear that breasts with scars are not acceptable … not a very positive message!

Lots of love to everyone. Cathy x

hello all ive e mailed the mathew wright show about this ,so far no reply (whats new !!) i fail to see how this woman can possibly be an ambassodor for breast cancer when shes plasticly enhanced and has not got any idea what breast scars are really like for REAL cancer sufferers and the body image that is changed forever . if we all e mailed the media maybe the bigwigs will start to listen that this is certainly not a pink desease !! i know lots of money is raised for cancer with the campaign ,but surely a better person could have been used to put the message across .like real cancer sufferers who can tell it like it really is ! lynn .

Just caught up on the thread today & noticed that the reply I posted from Asda is the exact same response sent to others! WOW! What service!!..we welcome your comments??? Hmmmmm!!
…think a follow up Email from me will be on it’s way to them later today!

I have absolutely no problem with KP donating to BC thru the sales of her range nor do I really have a problem with her grabbing her breasts or making reference to her ‘scarred tits’… that’s up to her & I really don’t care!!..HOWEVER…when the two are put together then I do find it upsetting.

Had KP been doing a glamour shoot & made the comments…so what! But she wasn’t! She was there to do a shoot for BC & Asda. That’s what got to me. The fact that she was there to do pictures for BC Awareness & she made the comments…obviously without a second thought for the women affected by the disease…what would her ‘close family friend’ think? Did she not think of her when she was doing the shoot? If she really wanted to help this ‘friend’ surely she would have actually wanted to be there & do the pics(she clearly didn’t) and I would have thought that she would have been a little more reflective in her attitude…and my personal opinion would be that she would just have donated quietly without the need to gain from the publicity!

So really…when I think about it…I suppose that in theory I have no problem with KP being involved in BC support if it does bring in more money, but it’s the way in which it’s been done & her complete lack of knowledge /thought to the cause. Yeh, sure…slap her picture all over the tickled pink campaign if that’s what you really want…but cover her up…what the hell…stick fluffy angel wings on her…won’t bother me…but please think about the women like me who have to stick their breast & hair on in the morning!! Women who can’t even wear a vest top in the summer let alone KPs range of Bra’s!!

A little thought & respect for our situation is all that I’m asking from Asda…and a little common sense…Big, Fake Plastic Boobs are not really appropriate for BC Awareness…I mean…would she even be able to feel a lump (God Forbid) if she was ever unfortunate enough to be in our situation??

Hazel x

Hi All

Have just looked at Katie Prices Website and she has a list of Charities on there that she is involved with and has raised money for, they are as follows: The Vision Charity, Katies Playground, The Disability Foundation, Norwood Children and Families First, Moorefields Eye Hospital & The London Society for the Protection of Cruelty to children. All comendable and I sincerely mean that.

My question is this, do you think any of these Charities would be happy for Katie to do Bra & Undies photo shoots to represent them?

Love Melx

Emmeline, forums are free for all opinions and I realise we all won’t be of the same one but your comment of not “kicking a woman when she is down” with regards to Katie Price is one that niggles. As has been said the insensitvity shown towards breast scars and their impact on our lives is one thing but she is a woman who has claimed to be raped ,by a celebrity,she has brought this up, she didn’t have to ,that man is walking free, has not been brought to justice so if the claim is true I rather think that Ms Price is giving a good old kick in the teeth to the sisterhood,if she isn’t prepared to name and shame but just spout off about it to keep her name in the papers.I am not happy about being represented in any way shape or form by such a character.
I am still astounded that people sat round a table and gave the ok for this campaign. It is quite unbelievable.


Katie Price is NOT down!!!

For goodness sake, how can anyone say she is down? I must be missing something.

Surely those living with BC, esepcially secondaries, are “down” and those who don’t survive are “out”.

I support the right to have a different opinion on here but not to distort the truth.

Katie Price is selling merchandise and makes her own choices and I just think she hasnt seen the need for sincerity and has got confused with the selling! Life is not about money its about life and living.

I am of the opinion when she hears about this she will still donate her money but step down and let someone else front the campaign.

I also think that real people with BC could be used and we would certainly support them because we understand them. Tone the frivolous nature of the advertising and more sincerity in the shear devastation this disease causes. The disease does not resemble pink frilly anything.


I sent my email off to Asda last night, got a little carried away I think, took a whole page. I made sure I thanked them for raising funds and I said I didn’t want their standard response that other people have been getting. Let’s just wait and see what is said.

I do feel that Katie Price is out to get what she can and certainly knows how to get her face on things but I really feel she goes about things in the wrong way. She is involved in the campaign for herself and in theory a bit of good publicity, oooupps, messed that one up.


Dear All

Press and fundraising have asked me to post this on their behalf.

Best wishes

As part of our planning for ASDA’s Tickled Pink campaign, reps from both Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Campaign were made aware that Katie Price had once again offered her support in the form of a £1 donation from each sale of a specific lingerie set within her range. Having benefited from a similar contribution to the project in 2008, which raised £16,000 we agreed the involvement for 2009.

At the time of that discussion we were not in a position to predict the nature or the inclusion of the footage of the photo shoot in her programme, which has caused distress to many of you involved in this discussion. We are sorry for this distress. We’ve been grateful for all your feedback on this and will be including it in our evaluation of this year’s campaign and associated publicity, helping us to plan for future activity

With best wishes
Press and Fundraising

Hi everyone,
Have read everything you have posted and your opinions really matter to us.
I have spoken to Katie about this and she asked us to pass this message on to you…

I really wanted to be involved in this campaign as my mum’s friend has got breast cancer, and it is something that affected both myself and my family deeply. I was involved last year too and I try to do all I can to support it.

My ITV2 crew follow me around all the time and so capture me warts and all. What was said, came across as insensitive and on reflection could have been perceived in the wrong way which was certainly not my intention. It was more meant in me making fun of myself, but that said I do apologise that this has caused offence and I should have been more thoughtful in what I said.

I wish you all well and I will continue to raise money for Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Campaign in whatever way I can.
Katie x

I totally agree with majority here. It is unbelievable that this campaign was OK’ed by people who are supposedly sensitive to those who have this horrible disease. What a joke. Its upsetting to be thought of as a vehicle for this woman’s insatiable desire for the worst kind of ‘celebrity’. The money is good but Breast Cancer organisations should not stoop so low. There are much better ways to fundraise.

BCC I’m underwhelmed, hugely disappointed by the response from your press team…the £16,000, no small amount, seems much more important to you than you even beginning to question the methods that were used to raise it. I only hope you are more involved in next year’s campaign…and still question why you felt it would be suitable for a campaign raising money for you, the leading UK breast cancer charity, to use a totally unsuitable celebrity.
Asda…ditto…and it’s just all about damage limitation in both cases.
Katie if you’re reading this it’s not personal, I don’t question your motives…I’m much more concerned with BCC’s complete lack of involvement and Asda sending out stock, empty and meaningless replies to other’s deeply held concerns.

Belinda, I am in total agreement when you say it’s now more about damage limitation for both parties. I sent a very long email to ASDA about this last night where I told them they should have questioned KP’s suitability for this campaign. As yet I have not had a reply.

My own feeling on KP is she is someone who will pursue anything for fame and money. Regarding her recent unfortunate publicity I also find her very difficult to take seriously. She made a very serious allegation but I’m not sure I believe her on account of the way she chooses to live her life.

I agree with all that Belinda has said. BCC and Asda made a huge mistake but we have this problem every October and usually the fuss dies down and we are ignored. This year as I feel the deterioration of my body and face the fact that this one really could be my last October I decided to stick my head above the water and make a few waves. This year has been a very sad one for us on the secondary forum we have lost so many ‘cyber friends’ So I decided to do something in memory of those women. As BCC had not responded after several days and Asda’s response did nothing to satisfy me I decided to do something about it. So I contacted the BBC, this may get me in trouble with BCC. I hope it doesn’t I just hope they do as they have promised for next year. Women and men are still dying from this awful disease surely that is the point that should come across loud and clear.
Breakfast on Monday should be very interesting. Funny it only took the BBC a couple of hour to get back to me. BCC only responded today that is what I find really sad.
Love Debsxxx


Whilst i would agree that everyone makes mistakes and has the right to realise this and make amends for it. I feel that apologising through a third party is not the way to do it. Perhaps Ms. Price should consider issuing an apology on her website if she really does feel contrite.

The photo shoot has been done, the tickets have been sent and both Asda and BCC are, as you say looking at damage limitation. Perhaps next year, they might ask us for a views on the matter.


Hi everyone,

Nobody was happy with what Katie said on the show, especailly us. I know you feel like we don’t listen, but we do. We were extremely grateful for her contribution to both breast cancer charities - it’s a lot of money that clearly helps. The last thing we want to do is upset anyone and so in light of the conversations we have all had over the past couple of days we won’t be using Katie in any publicity shots. The lingerie range will still be in store so that there is still have the chance to raise money.
Thanks for your time and your feedback, perhaps you want to get in touch with me to be involved in our campaign next year? You can help shape what it might be so that we can continue to raise as much money as possible.

Debs, you are really a star. I will watch Breakfast on Monday with great interest.
I have also involved a lot of friends in Cyprus who have also sent in e-mails to Asda ( at least 30) so I will post on the Cyprus44 forum tonight and update them on the situation and hope they will also tune in on Monday morning.
We are all behind you.

Irene XX

Go Debs!! Looking forward to seeing you on the BBC.
Love Belinda…xxx