key hole surgery

Anyone saw a surgeon from the royal free hospital london on bbc 1 this morning at 8.10 am. He had a patient on who had keyhole surgery for mastectomy. It’s been pioneered in Japan for small breasted women with small tumours at stage 1

the woman concerned said she only had a very small scar under her arm. they did lymph node sampling through the same area and it looks like they took out all the tissue through a cut round the nipple. She kept her nipple but I think she’s having reconstruction later.

I saw a video of the interview on the bbc website, under the health section.

I saw an article in the paper about it. It’s good to see how surgery is advancing. They didn’t say in the article that many people have to lose their nipple/s due to the risk of any cancer cells remaining. So I don’t think they created a completely realistic picture. if the nipple goes, then it would be no different to the skin sparing surgery they have been doing for years.