I have been reading about Keyhole Surgery procedure for Mastectomy. I think it’s a faily new operation. I was wondering if anybody on the Forum has had it, and could tell me about their experience of it. Is it just for smaller boobs? Any information would be helpful as I was thinking about asking my consultant if I would be suitable for it.
I haven’t heard of this, but with a proper mastectomy they have to remove the nipple as that is also breast tissue. I have met girls who just had a cut around their nipple and it all removed that way so when they had their nipple recon it went over the scar. It would also depend on whether it was ok for you to have a skin sparing mastectomy.
I thought they would need to remove the inside of the breast as one bit so they could analyse it fully. They surely wouldn’t be able to do that through a tiny hole would they?
Do you scar badly? I only had my op 4 days ago and have very neat scars that I don’t think will bother me too much…
Let us know if you find out more about this (obv too late for me - but out of interest and for other ladies coming up to their ops).
From what I read the surgeon makes a small cut around the nipple and the whole of the inside of the breast is cut away from the inside skin, he said it pulls away easily and then ‘sucked’ through the hole around the nipple, then they somehow manage to insert a new boob ‘inflatable’? It read like a fairly new procedure, I think my boob might be too big for that anyway :o( will try to find out more when I see the consultant.
I’ve added you as one of my contacts - from reading your postings I think we have similar diagnoses.
Oh right! In that case I know a couple of people who’ve had that done. One hasnow had nipple recon and it looks brilliant. I had to have some skin removed too so I’ve got quite big, but very neat, scars.
Sorry - I thought you were talking about a teeny weeny hole.
I guess this one is worth coming out of self-imposed exile for!!!
I had a similar procedure done in Feb 2011 with an immediate LD reconstruction (no implants) - it was termed a skin sparing mastectomy, not a keyhole procedure though. My lovely, lovely breast surgeon said in his gorgeous Glasgow accent,‘we will make a wee hole’ and that’s what they did. Basically, yes, they cut round the edge of the areola and removed all the breast tissue through the resultant hole, leaving the skin intact. I was ‘lucky’ that my tumour was slap bang in the middle, so no skin or chest wall tethering to cause problems. If there is skin tethering then they have to cut away part of the skin as well.
The incision for my lymph node clearance was under my arm, and also provided access for tunneling through the skin with the LD muscle from my back.
In my case they then used a disc of skin from my back to fill the hole, so I have a very neat ‘seam’ round where the areola was. I have a massive 8 inch scar on my back where they removed skin to access the LD muscle flap but you wouldn’t get this with implants. I am quite well endowed and my recon is about a C cup (naturally was DD). If they have to cut away diseased/tethered skin then you end up with either a ‘lollipop’ or ‘eye’ shaped scar on your breast.
I am waiting for nipple recon - see PS next month to discuss this.
Feel free to PM me if you want more details! I’m not planning a general return to posting.
Best wishes to all.
EDIT - I checked online to see what a keyhole mastectomy is, and mine wasn’t as my areola, nipple complex (NAC) was removed because it was so close to my tumour. However, my breast scars are fairly minimal
Well I had something similar in so far as the only cutting was around the nipple, didn’t realise this was deemed key hole but i must admit I have wondered how the surgeon “got it all out”! I kept my nipple but it was tested very close , to see if any cancer was present , if there had been any it would have gone. I have fair sized boobs (DD).
Hi Sandytoes, met you at CMs , glad to hear you are ok , hope you are coping with the op etc.