Kittens moved on

Kittens moved on

Kittens moved on Hello girls

just an update, the cat has moved the kittens into another garden nearby but is coming back each evening for food and she looks well.

I have my first chemo on Wednesday 13th I am having EC chemotherapy and have politely declined the cold cap as I don’t like the sound of it. Have been told I am HER2 negative so don’t need herceptin which is a bonus !

Feeling really well at the moment, trying to eat healthily in preparation. Have found a really good book called Eat to Beat Cancer by Dr Rosy Daniel and Jane Sen. It contains all sorts of info on how to help yourself with diet and eating habits etc. and has some really good recipes in too. I would certainly recommend it.

Diane x

Hi Diane,

I can’t remember if you said the mother cat had a proper home, if not can I ask you to comtact your local branch of Cats Protection, who will arrange for the mum and kittens to be taken in care and good homes found. The mum needs to be neutered as soon as possible and the kittens need handling so that they get used to people. An unneutered mum and her unneutered kittens can produce over 5,000 kittens in their lifetime.

Good luck with your chemo, and rememebr to be kind to yourself and rest when your body tells you.

I have just finsihed my 10 month journey and am feeling a bit stronger each day. It is all doable, you just have to keep focused on the finishing line.

Take care & best wishes


More cat lovers - Yay!!! I have 15 (14 siamese and 1 balinese) and do a lot of work for the Siamese Rescue - I actually found my cancer when one of my girls jumped on my boob… I wrote about it in a magazine a couple of weeks ago and got £150 - every cloud and all that … it bought the cats a lovely scratching post!!!

Hi everyone,

I too am a cat lover, but sadly my cat (a black spotted silver tabby, aged 5) was run over and killed on friday, 2 days after I was diagnosed with bc. I am so upset, she was a lovely little girl and it just seems so unfair. To say last week was one of the worst of my life is an understatement!

Wishing you all the very best, and I have found this site a real comfort.


Tracy x

Hi Tracy

So sorry to hear about your cat. I am also a cat lover and know how it feels when you lose one. I had a lovely cat for fifteen years until old age caught up with him.

Love and take care

Hi Thistle,

Thanks for your message, I still can’t believe she is gone and keep thinking she will suddenly leap up onto the sofa next to me. I’ve had a few ‘It’s only a cat, you have more important things to concentrate on’ I suppose remarks like that are supposed to make me get things into perspective, but they don’t help.

Anyway, I see the Oncologist on wednesday for the first time, will let you know what happens.

Love and best wishes,

Tracy x

HI Tracy & Thistle,

Just wanted to say I know how both of you feel. I had to have one of my 16 year olds put down last month due to oral cancer. The vet told me the cancer would not respond to chemo ot rads, but I had already decided that I would not put him through that having experinced it myself. I am only gratful he lasted until I was through all my treatment, but I still miss him greatly.

Are either of you going to get another cat, tyher are plenty out tyhere looking for good homes? I’ve still got 3 (aged 16, 12 & 9). The youn ger ones were nmy inheritance from my mother who also had breast cancer but lived another 14 years until 84.

I’ve finishing my journey and hoping to go back to work next month.

Thinking of you on Wednesday Tracy.

Please listen to your bodies and rest when they tell you too. Take one day at a time.

Take care & best wishes


Hi Tracy

I was so sorry to hear about your cat. We lost one of ours the same way 2 years ago and it broke our hearts. That was some time before BC turned our lives upside down, so I can’t imagine how you’re coping trying to deal with both at once. You must be wondering what you’ve done to deserve all this.

I still miss our cat, he was only a moggie but was really beautiful with a lovely personality. I came across some photos of him as a kitten yesterday and shed a tear or two. I 'm almost ashamed to say that when we first lost him it felt just as bad as when my Dad passed away the year before. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I sympathise with how you’re feeling.

Take care of yourself.



Hi Jan & Sue,

Thanks for your lovely messages, I still feel awful about the cat and expect her to be there when I come home from work - it’s awful isn’t it when the reality dawns? I had to stop 2 of my work colleagues buying me a kitten at the weekend, they were planning to get one of their husbands to deliver it and put it in my office at the end of the day in a basket with a huge bow on top! I just can’t cope with it all at the mo, I know they meant well. I don’t think another kitty could replace the one I lost, she was so sweet. Sue, I don’t think you should be ashamed at your feelings when you lost your beloved pet, they are like family members as well.

I have just found out that I have to have a bone scan followed by a CT scan on the 20th, it sounds as if I will be there for most of the day - something to look foward to…UGH!

Take care,




I was diagnosed on September 15th last year and can remember only too well feeling like I was in a whirlwind, so many hospital appointments/tests, etc. initially. It’s terrifying and, in my case, I was convinced that I wouldn’t have the guts to endure the treatment. I eventually had chemo, mastectomy/full node clearance & finished up with radiotherapy which ended in April. I’m now just having tamoxifen & herceptin. It’s been a terrible rollercoaster ride but I really feel I’ve come out of that dark pit now and life’s looking good. I ended up with a very good prognosis (which we hadn’t been expecting).

Just wanted to tell you that, because when I was diagnosed the treatment they’d got planned for me seemed so daunting. I was told I’d have to put my life on hold for a year which was very hard to take in. But here I am - feeling back to normal & enjoying life again & I’m not at all brave & hate hospitals, so if I can do it, you will too.

Take care & try to take it one day at a time. I found that was the best way to handle it, expecially once treatment started. I just focussed on getting through the chemo first, & once that was over I was able to deal with the next stage (the operation in my case.)

I think this website is a great source of support & advice - it was a godsend for me on the difficult days.

I hope all goes well for you during the coming months. Perhaps you’ll be able to consider getting another little pussycat when your treatment’s finished. There’s nothing like a kitten to lift your spirits is there?


Hi Tracy

I recently had a bone scan and ct scan … they gave me an injection for the bone scan, which apparently makes you slightly radioactive for 24 hours and then had to wait for about 3 hours for scan. Can eat and drink normally though for this, but I had the CT scan in the middle of the waiting time and was not allowed to drink for 2 hours prior to ct scan. For the CT scan had to drink this orange flavour drink (pint of), but was not too bad. Had choice of orange or lemon. Then halfway through CT scan, injected me with some colour fluid so shows up organs etc. Both are very painless. CT scan lasted about 15 mins max and the bone scan was about 40 mins. It was the waiting inbetween injection and bone scan that is the pain - as not worth going anywhere.

Hope goes OK for you.


PS. Sorry to hear about your cat too … not what you need right now

Hi Tracy

Just to wish you well for the Oncologist on Wednesday.
Let us know how you get on. Hope you are feeling a bit better.

Love and take care

Hi Jan

Thanks for your message. I am not thinking just now about another cat although a colleague at work did offer one. I think because I had mine for such a long time another one would just not be the same. Maybe in the future.

I have finished my journey and returned to work four weeks ago on a phased return.
This week is my first full week back and I am trying to take it gently.
Please let us know how you are doing.

Love and take care

Good morning Sue, Dawn & Thistle,

Well today’s the day, I have my appointment with the Onc. I am hoping my mind doesn’t do it’s normal trick of going completely blank just at the wrong time (it did this before dx), I have written down loads of questions and am tempted to record the answers on my mp3 player!

I’ll let you know how I get on tonight, hope you all have a good day.

Love and best wishes,

Tracy xxx