
Never thought much about knickers before - so long as they were comfortable and serviceable then that was that
Since surgery and not being able to wear a bra, any more knickers have become important (I kid you not) a girl has to have something nice on underneath.
Strange how we change once our body has been sort of mauled over the things that did not matter - sort of rear their forgotten head and demand to be seen/heard - I guess it’s about hanging onto our feminity in some way shape or form.
So, yes I have bought some lovely (not sexy) but a cut above my usual choice knickers and not in white why stop there the world of knickers is our oyster.

Just thought I would share today’s purchase and thoughts with you all.

Lots of love
Poppy xx

Haha… love it. Have to admit I’m into ladies comfy boxer pants. Lost my boob so kinda lost my feeling of femininity… so started looking for cute comfy pants now starting chemo. Altho I did receive my prosthesis and a beautiful bra a fortnight ago and it’s so lovely… you wouldn’t know I’d lost a boob. 

Enjoy knicker buying… its a great way to cheer yourself up and feel good. Xx