Kylie Hi everyone,
don’t know if any of you have seen the papers/watched the news but its been announced that Kylie has been given the all clear after 6 months, even though she has still got more tests to come.
I watched GMTV and Dr Hilary Jones said it was very optomistic as it is too early to say for sure. She still has to have more scans & radiotherapy as yet apparantly. He also said it was giving other women suffering from breast cancer false optomism (sp?).
Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this subject?
kind regards
Hi I’m afraid I will never count myself as ‘all clear’, as I know my cancer could return at any time. Some friends and relations have assumed that if I make it to 5 years without recurrence that I will be ‘all clear’ - I’m trying to educate them!
Kylie may have no evidence of disease after 6 months of treatment, but all this means is that she is in remission, like the rest of us.
Kylie Yes i also heard this on tv this morning and thought i’m going
to get phone calls today now telling me kylies *good news*
My mom has been a nightmare even to the point of cutting out
news paper kylie clips !
i think shes proud i have something in common with kylie ! !
How can she be given the all clear after such a short time,she was dx
in may 05 wasnt she?
She being a star, has been in top hospital care no doubt,but money
cant buy you health can it ?
Did she have a mastectomy ? i’m not 100% to her details as when she got dx in may,my thoughts were thats terrible but (this is going to sound selfish) that was it,it did not affect me.
Good luck to her though she’s one of us isnt she !
kim x
— Didn’t see that — but it is another example of media and false information.
I hope against hope that Daphne saw it and can lead us all onto sending an e mail with our names added to support our views. She is so good at organising this type of thing.
Only a small thing but if we keep on doing it then the message may eventually hit home.
Joy xx
response to Kylie news Just to let you know BCC spokespeople will be commenting on this on local radio throughout the day. We can’t give exact times but you might want to listen out if you’ve got your radio on.
Kind regards
BCC Moderator
Closer magazine There was an article in Closer (31 Dec - 6 Jan), that had the headline “Kylie gets the ‘all clear’”. It was pointed out to me by a work colleague who wondered how come I hadn’t, when we were diagnosed the same week (I won’t post what I said to the work colleague!!).
I was a bit cross about the article but was pleased to read this bit:
" But Dr Emma Pennery, nurse consultant at Breast Cancer Care, warned that the term “all clear” - meaning no detectable cancer following treatment - can be deceptive. It’s a confusing term because breast cancer can just return, she said. But if she’s got a great chance if she’s at the all clear stage at least for the time being".
Thanks BCC for trying to clarify things in the article.
Inacuurate Its completely inaccurate to talk about anyone with invasive breast cancer being ‘all clear’. All we can speak of is having no evidence of disease or being in remission.
During her treatment Kylie Minogue’s spokespersons have I think been quite good in correcting myths and untruths reported on her behalf…for example refuting rumours last summer that she was having treatment from a very dubious alterntive therpaist.
It would be great if now, she could refute this latest untruth. Treatment for primary breast cancer is horrible but we know that its the living with uncertainty and fear which is the continuing struggle. Kylie Minogue has an enormous influence and she could do so much to dispel one of the commonest myths associated with this disease.
Good for her Since writing my last post I’ve looked on Wanadoo news and found the following:
However, Kylie still has a long way to go before she can claim to have beaten the illness for good, despite a report in today’s Sun which claims the treatment has been successful. Her Australian publicist was careful to point out: “There’s no validity to this. It’s not true.” And although she has finished the most gruelling part of her treatment, Kylie now faces a six-week course of radiotherapy to prevent any cancerous cells returning. If tests for cancer are still negative six months after the treatment, she will be in remission.
So once again Kylie is telling the truth about her cancer.Its the press who are getting it wrong.
BCC statement on Kylie Hi all
I thought you might like to see this statement which BCC has put out.
Best wishes
BCC Host
In response to the reports that Kylie Minogue is continuing to receive treatment for breast cancer Liz Carroll, Head of Clinical Services at Breast Cancer Care, commented:
"Breast Cancer Care is delighted to hear that Kylie Minogue appears to have responded well to chemotherapy, and know this feeling will be shared by all her fans across the world.
“However, this is a time of cautious optimism. Kylie will be starting another stage of treatment and will have to undergo radiotherapy before her initial treatment is complete.”
"Unfortunately we know that breast cancer can return years, and even decades, after completing treatment. Breast Cancer Care knows from speaking to people with breast cancer daily though our helpline and website, that many experience ongoing concern or uncertainty and this may also be the case for Kylie. Despite this uncertainty however, many go on to lead full and active lives.
Our thoughts are with Kylie and her family and we wish her well for her forthcoming treatment and recovery."
Right to say she is clear Dear All,
I don’t know what Kylie’s actual diagnosis was in terms of staging, lymph nodes etc, but, I do feel that it is psychologically good to think that you are clear of cancer on completion of treatment. My own breast cancer was caught at an early stage and I was lymph node clear. I have chosen chemotherapy to lessen chances of a recurrence and will then have radiotherapy. Even straight after my lumpectomy I consider myself to be clear of cancer and the chemo etc just additional “protection” to mop up any stray cells. At the end of my treatment I will certainly consider myself clear of cancer. If Kylie happens to be in a similar position then there is nothing that can be measured to show she is clear and all indications will be that treatment has been succesful so why shouldn’t she think of herself as cured?
Words can be very powerful, particularly psychologically and I think there is a big difference between considering yourself in remission or considering yourself cured. To me, describing myself in remission is like saying the cancer is there, lurking, ready to come back at some future time. Whilst I personally wouldn’t say I was “cured”, I will be happy to say that I am clear of cancer. Yes, I realise that it may come back in the future, but I’m just going to have to live with that and get on with my life. For me, its much more positive to say I am clear than in remission.
If I had had a cold, I would not consider myself in remission with a flare up next time I had a cold. I would consider myself cured of the cold when symptoms disappeared. Yes, another cold may well come along, but I will be cured in between and deal with each cold as it comes.
Rant over, and sorry if I offend anyone, but I do think that its important to stay positive. Yes, also we have to be realistic, but lets be realistically positive.
Wynthorpe (who has just downed a glass of wine and it may well show in this post!)
Cancer is not like a cold Hi Wynthorpe
Unfortunately cancer isn’t like having a cold. Recurrence is really a misnomer because when it happens it is because tiny cancer cells (micro mets) ‘escaped’ at the time of the original cancer…those cells can stay dormant for years but can also grow at any time. So yes cancer can be kind of lurking in the body and its more likley to be lurking in those of us who had cancerous lymph nodes.
We all find our own psychological ways of living with cancer and there’s no '‘right’ way…what you call psychologically healthy may be OK for you but it certainly isn’t my way. I consider myself utterly realistic and I hope for the best without kidding myself that ‘thinking positive’ is going to make any difference to what happens to me.
I am pleased that BCC has reiterated the fact that to describe anyone who has had invasive breast cancer as ‘clear’ is inaccuate and mistaken.
I too have had a glass of wine! Have a good evening.
Best wishes
PS Sorry Wynthorpe
Putting words in your mouth…I’ve said you used the term ‘psychologically healthy’ and you didn’t…I was interpreting…wish we could see the thread when repsonding.
Anyway apologies for my msitake, though my overall point is the same.
Joy Just seen your post. I don’t think I need to do anything - BCC and Kylie’s publicist have already done a good job.
Daphne x
also… I wanted to say that I don’t feel happy with any of the terms “cured, all clear, in remission”
The way I look at my own situation is that I hope I’m cured (early diagnosis & treatment, no lymph node involvement and all that), but whether or not I am, I am still at a higher risk of a new primary or a recurrence of the original cancer than someone who has never been diagnosed with breast cancer.
At the moment, I feel well and, as far as I know, I have no cancer in my body and I have a good chance of staying that way, but I don’t want to be labelled as cured, all clear or in remission.
Also my son (doing Biology A level) gave me some food for thought because he said that formation of cancer cells is a normal part of living for any organism, so at any time cancer cells are being created and then killed off by the body so I suppose that we have all had different types of cancer cells in our bodies that have been dealt with effectively, except for the breast cancer ones.
Kylie As I have already posted aaa thread about this I wont bore you with details…suffice to say my friend in Paris was being traded by the same onc as Kylie was…he is now being hounded by press to find out if he has a secret cure for cancer…to clarify someones questions Kylie had a WLE…no node involvement but an infection after.I only know this as my friend was in hospital at the same time…Chantelle is not a kiss and tell person but agreed with me that I should put this on the web site…Chan has gone through the same procedure as kylie and no one has ever told he she is clear…but what I would like to know is why Kylie is able to transfer to Aus for Rads…I couldnt do that from England to Scotland…I was told it wasnt in my best interest cos I would have to start al the Onc procedures again even though I had a GP there who was willing to sort it out for me…WHO SAYS MONEY DOEST TALK!!!..LOL
Love and hugs for all who need them Morag
No Evidence of disease I think Kylie has done a lot for the true face of breast cancer, soon the press will stop printing rubbish about her if it is challenged continually.
Personally I could never (no disrespect intended, we are all different) say I dont have cancer, as I feel the day I forget and take life for granted again is the day I will get the worst suprise. Cancer walks next to me quite comfortably at the moment and thats the most I can wish for. I dont think that will ever change, even if it doesnt come back for years (I hope). I hope that doesnt sound pessimistic, as I dont feel that way, realistic is good!
I had a conversation with a lovely older man the other day who told me that Barbara Clarke has had the all clear.(!!!) I think people see this as offering us hope, but I think hearing it actually belittles what we are dealing with, minimising the trauma of dx and everything which follows it.
I prefer NO EVIDENCE of DISEASE (my friend NED!)
Where’s my glass of wine?..
Steph x
agree with you Steph Hi Steph,
I so agree with you about our friend NED who walks alongside us…sometimes quietly, sometimes frightening, sometimes hopeful…but always there.
I think this is the meaning of real hope…give me this any day over the ‘all clear’ myths and the ‘think positive’ mantras.
Today’s Daily Mail There is a big article about Kylie where her sister has said she is “in remission”, doesn’t mention that she is doing rads. Plus other stuff like she is using visualistion as therapy and reiki.
It also says she has been on the internet and visited breast cancer chat rooms under a pseudonym. Come on own up - which one of you is it???
my husband would love it if I was… but no, it’s not me!!!
I should imagine anyone having bc would find the support we do from bc sites, it must be quite nice for Kylie to be anonymous sometimes!
Steph x