Lack of affection, anyone else feel like this?

Hi Ladies

I have been reading through your posts and to be honest, and I know this is a very simplistic view - I would rather be on my own than with someone that annoyed me so much. I think much of the problem is that we are so scared to be on our own we would rather put up with a soul destroying relationship that make that break. I know there are lots of mitigating circumstances such as small children and finances, but these can be overcome if the relationship is so bad. My mother stayed married to my father just because she was a Catholic. She hated him. He was vile to us all and would drink and contribute nothing to the family. He was deeply unhappy too and took out frustrations on us verbally with horrible criticism that I can still get upset. They would have been happy people if they had the courage to leave and start new relationships or just live on their own. But they chose to remain together, slowly killing each other with hatred. My father died many years ago and my mother started to live. Luckily she had 15 years of a wonderful life after his death, but regretted not doing something sooner. Life is short. Don’t waste a minute of it.

Christabel … I read your post with interest … I do not hate him, I hate his inability to deal with things like iIlness and death ,I almost feel sorry for him sometimes .
I am going to deal with my BC first and then decide .I thank you for being so candid in your comments it couldnt have been easy to post .I do value everyones opinion and have thought about all your comments really deeply and I thank you all for being so frank with me .
Its up to me now xxxxxxxx

Hey Maz hunny,
I can’t begin to imagine just how you are feeling at the moment.
I am sure you have been through every emotion in the book over the last couple of days.
I think you are right to sit and take stock for a while, concentrate on you and forget about him, hard I know but do-able.

I know I have loads of issues with my OH, but anytime I mention it to others they always say he is a man, they can’t deal with this sort of thing.
B*****ks I think they can if they try. I bet if the shoe were on the other foot he would soon deal with it and show emotion.
Hang in there babes until you decide what is right for you and only you.

Love and hugs

Thanks for responding. It will work out and you will know what to do when the time is right.
I am with Lisa - we can all give advice, but only you know what its really like and only you can make that decision.
I just hope you don’t do it in haste…that stuff never works!!!
