lack of stamina after radiation

Hi there
I finished my 3 weeks radiotherapy 2 months ago- standard dosis for DCIS- and still feel out of breath and lacking stamina. When I DO try to go jogging I feel quite ill for about 4 days afterwards.
Anybody else with that problem?

Hi Ursula,
I also had just 3 weeks of rads, no chemo and was absolutely shattered afterwards - no get up and go.
Back to work 6 weeks later still exhausted and heading for bed between 9 and 9.30. no energy at the weekend to get out and do anything as it was all such an effort. And all very frustrating.
Its now 4 and a half months since I finished and in the last few weeks I would say my energy levels are about 90% there, last night my son was really surprised to find me still up at 10.30 watching the news - a first.
I still get tired but I find that it has improved week by week.
I haven’t tried jogging - but as I couldn’t before rads I wouldn’t expect to afterwards:)

Hi all , strat on monday to head whrt its suppose different from the rest radio how truth this i dont know ! i have posted on here no answer ! i felt like this with first radio and second third not to bad ! i do hope this goes away soon …sophie

In that case…anyone think it may be a little stupid to book me in for the half marathon 2 and half months after my radiotherapy finishes? Have 8 more sessions left, already leaden. I wanted a new goal to work to to raise money for BCC. Have done running before, would not normally be impossible, but am having second thoughts. Can always try!


Hi everyone

I had four weeks of radiotherapy for DCIS, no chemo, finished mid May. I would say that I have just stopped needing to go to bed in the afternoon. I still don’t feel as energetic as I did, but definitely am improving. Unlavers, I would listen to your body. If you feel so bad after jogging, don’t do it, not just yet. You need the rest. I know we keep hearing how exercise is good for us, but our bodies have just undergone a huge assault and sleep and rest are nature’s healers. BeauBeau, I think it would depend on how fit you were before treatment. If you were used to running, then you may be OK.

good luck


Hi everyone

I am pleased to say that my energy is coming back have had 18 sessions of rads with 7 more to go. Finished chemo on 7th June. So everyone’s experience is different. Nurse in rads says that tiredness after rads may be caused by travel every day to and from hospital instead of treatment itself. That may make sense as I get a 10 minute lift to hospital and then back. Also I get seen straight away so only about half an hour in all. It may be a different story if you have miles to travel there and back that would be very tiring every day. Hope this helps., Tiredness may not be inevitable.

cheers Judy x