Lacking Long Lush Lashes

I am now 6 months post-chemo and the last of the ‘Dreaded Docetaxel’! My eyelashes and eyebrows have reappeared but are not at their former state before they abandoned ship. Although my lashes appear quite dense they are still short and not as long as they used to be. I do know that eyelashes and eyebrows are slower growing than head-hair, but just wondered how long before they reach the length that they were pre-chemo.

Mind you, I am saving an absolutely fortune on mascara, but using eyeliner for definition instead!

I finished chemo in oct11 amd RT feb12, had loads of SE with both of these treatments,but must say eyebrows and eyelashes both came back thick and fast, but my hair is slow growing. my eyebrows came back white and fluffy bit like (bum fluff) lol, went to hairdressers and said is there anything u can do , well had that threading done (painful that was)and then they dyed them, what a shock they looked wonderful. bet u have a little fluff on yours, go and ask, it will give you a major lift. lol enjoy! xxx

I finishd Herceptin last summer and my eyelashes are still not as long as they used to be. After chemo I used to use loose fibres which lengthened and thickened. Don’t know if they’ll ever be the same! My hair has only started to be better in texture as it’s grown after Herceptin. Still at least I’ve got some.
Ami xx

Hi there,

There is a product called Revitalash (Advanced) which you can buy from QVC…it’s absolutely fab! My lashes have never been so long! It was specifically devised by an opthamologist for his wife who had BC. (what better testament!) It’s pricey at £53 but you only sweep it at your lashline and lasts for ages, but does take about 6 weeks (so give it a chance). I find now my lashes are too long (hit the lense on my sunglasses) so don’t use it daily anymore. I have had loads of people notice them. I have also dyed them and can confidently choose not to wear mascara, but they look amazing with mascara. Hope you can give it a go!

Ang xx

I used Revitalash too - recommended by a make up artist to the stars and some beauty editors who also said Rapidlash etc are not as good. It is expensive, but my lashes also grew very, very long and thick - much longer than before and everyone commented on them. My family thought i was wearing fake eyelashes! Unfortunately they all fell out again a couple of weeks ago and I’m left with stumpy ones. Don’t know if that is down to Tamoxifen, Herceptin or the chemo - but am hoping they’ll grow back as long as before.

Mmm - I’m also on herceptin so would love to know if you are too galaxygirl99 as I would be really p**d off if I were to pay out for Revitalash and then find that my lovely long eyelashes all fall out just like Sandytoes has done!

I am holding off using anything just yet as I have an appointment with an opthamologist on Wednesday as I have some small lumps on my inner eyelid of my right eye which are giving me grief. I am wondering if they have been caused by my eyelashes growing back after chemo as they have appeared around the same time. Too much of a coincidence methinks. I will mention my eyelashes (Lack of) when I go and see what they say about Revitalash although I can probably guess what the medical profession will say about it!

I do wear glasses so don’t want eyelashes that behave like windscreen wipers on my lenses though!!!

Any other users of Revitalash, Rapidlash or alternatives out there, successful or otherwise?

That made me laugh …windscreen wipers!!
No I am not on Herceptin, just Tamoxifen, so don’t suppose that would help much in a decision! But… with Qvc you can use a product for 30 days and just send it back if it doesn’t work for you and get a full refund, so nothing to lose really. Needless to say, I kept mine.

I know someone who used revitalash + her lashes are unbelievable! Literally like spiders legs! She also bought from qvc but had no prob with subsequent fall outs. I think it’s not uncommonfor lashes to shed again after regrowing because they grow + fall in a cycle + post chemo, the cycle starts approx at the same time so sometimes, new lashes reach the end of their cycle + fall out around the same time (must be a total smack in the face if this happens, regardless of what products have been used :frowning:
there are other decent products for example Liopcils, which goes on like a clear mascara + is clinically proven to boost lash length by around 2-3mm in 6wks. Not sure where this is stocked but I bought in duty free. I also used cargo mascara from boots, which is another one clinically proven + recommended for chemo patients. My lashes really did grow back thick + long so I think this stuff is great. And the fact it is an actual mascara rather than an invisible serum makes it even better value I think. These are available in boots online + cost £20 but I bought on 3 for 2 so a real bargain.
Hope that helps :wink: x

Hi Tina, I thought that might have been the case re lashes - that they came to the end of the life cycle together as they’d all started growing again at the same time.

Mazzalou - I am on Herceptin and (before they fell out!) my lashes had grown to the extent that they brushed against glasses (but don’t wear them very often). I didn’t care though as they were so pretty!! And girly! Which made me feel more feminine again.I think the problem with using it for 30 days and sending it back if it doesn’t work is that it can take 4-6 weeks to work. I’m on Herceptin and have been using it since my lashes did their second runner (same tube - lasts for ages) and will let you know what happens. I am 5 months post-chemo but my lashes were really long and thick 3 months post-chemo. Maybe I was lucky? But even if the thickness was due to all of my lashes growing at once I don’t know why they would have naturally been longer than before.

I used a product called sexy lash. My eyelashes now brush against the lenses of my glasses, which they didn’t do before! Even my oncologist commented on them and my OH asked if they were real. Sexy lash costs under £10 including postage off eBay.

Oops! - I hit submit too soon!!

Well, it looks like I am spoiled for choice on what to try thanks to all you eyelash fluttering girls out there!

I think that we don’t realise how long it takes our bodies to maintain it’s normal balance and rhythm after the mega-disruption that chemo causes to it. I think we expect too much too soon which is only natural given what we have all been through so maybe patience is a virtue after all!!

Hi ladies,

Also been experiencing lack of eyebrows/eyelashes since chemo which finished in July (still on herceptin/tamoxifen) had both dyed at the beginning of the month eyebrows are spartan and eyelashes are barely there and very very fair in colour (considering I have nearly jet black hair) which looks odd, having them dyed did the trick at least for a couple of weeks going back to get them done again as its on offer at my local beauty salon at 10pounds for the both.

Thanks for all the suggestions might invest in some of that revitalash failing that will try the others you have suggested. Many thanks
Love and lashings of lashes
sarahlouise xx

Hi Sarahlouise,

Another option when your salon stops the offer could be to dye your own. I use Colorsport 30 day Mascara Eyelash & Brow dye once a month. It costs approx £10 (maybe less) and is easily available from Boots/Supermarkets (I think I got mine at Asda). It’s very easily applied with a wand and easily lasts for a year! Very pretty!

Ang xx

Thanks galaxygirl for the tip will look into that.
Love and light to you
sarahlouise xx

Hi All,

New to this thread.

I’ve just started Docetaxel yesterday and am not looking forward to my hair, brows and lashes going. I’ve been through chemo before 11 years ago and didn’t know what to do about my lashes. Not very good at putting on false ones.

So I’m reading your posts with interest. Hoping to keep myself a bit more normal looking this time around.

Regards to all.

Hi chrisp1e

Instead of false eyelashes why not try some eyeliner to give your eyes definition and disguise the fact that you don’t have any eyelashes? I find that it makes such a big difference to me. Take a look at the link here for some ideas and techniques:-

Be very careful of false lashes as your eyes may be very sensitive to the glues and I was told that I couldn’t have individual ones put on as they need to follow you lash line and same thing with the glue so best to stick to creating an illusion.

It is also worth going along to a ‘Look Good Feel Better’ session if they are offered in your area as they are fantastic. Very therapeutic and great for picking up ideas and techniques, as well as meeting new friends - and a ‘goodie bag’ too! What more could a lash-less woman want?!!!