I’m getting stressed and fed up with NHS health care
I’m lactose intolerant / dairy allergy ( mild)
Was diagnosed by kinesiologist at 15 because was dismissed by doctors growing up ,my mum took me alot .
So far I’m down to 2 options go back on exmesatane ( dose not have lactose) but it still makes me ill, or tamoxifen ,but tamoxifen has lactose in it ,don’t think they have liquid form .
My enzymes don’t work.
I cant tell if it’s been side effects of the other drugs or lactose ( letrazol/ anaztrozole/ all have lactose
I need a lactose intolerant test on NHS to take me seriously.
Did an e consultant form have to wait 3 weeks for a response from doctor.
I feel trapped because I feel like I’m running out of options.
Go back on something that makes me mentally ill, can’t take antidepressants either they do opposite for me.
I took pregabalin during my treatment last year, felt dizzy on 75 mg so came off it when treatment finished.
I’m 3 months off pills hormone positive breast cancer,still on prostap
Got my oncologist appointment 29 June.
I’m supposed to be going away end of July / all through August
I don’t really feel trying new drugs before I go away is best option,.
I’m not going to get a lactose test on NHS by end of June
Feel ultimate trapped that I’m stuck in a really difficult position ,& can’t move anything faster to get anything done .
I’m supposed to be trying for a baby next year,but missed half my medication ,I’m on this 2 year plan it ain’t going to plan,
I’m fed up of everything, all these pills, all the lactose, the enzymes, the drugs, the side effects,