This is a thread that would make the less-fair sex run a mile. Apologies in advance for too much information but if you can’t ask on here where can you ask! I’m after chemo ladies who were having regular periods pre-starting chemo.
I am 11 days post my first cycle of AC and would be due my next period in about 2 weeks time. However, yesterday and today I’ve been bleeding slightly (looks rather dark ‘oldish’ blood rather than ‘new’) I was told that the chemo would at my age (50) probably cause periods to stop.
I’d be interested to hear about the pattern / changes / bleeding that any of you have experienced with chemo.
I was very regular before chemo. I am 41 and on my last cycle of FEC next week. I had a light period for the first 3 cycles, the last being oldish and only lasting one day and had nothing since. I take it they won’t come back now but not entirely sure. I will have a forced menopause if i don’t go through it naturally as P & E +. Hope that helps
I was 44 at dx. I had 8 cycles of chemo (4 FEC & 4 Tax) and my periods continued as normal until cycle 6, when they stopped completely. I have had one episode of bleeding since, exactly two years after they stopped, this was attributed to tamoxifen. Nothing since then, which was 10 months ago.
I was diagnosed aged 46 in November. Still had regular periods up till FEC 3 then stopped completely. Last one was a normal period for me. My oncologist has told me that if you are under 40 then periods usually return post chemo, if in 40’s or older than thats probably it, chemo induced menopause. Obviously everyone is different but I’m not expecting mine to return now, having very regulsr hot flushes since they stopped!
Hiya, I was 48 at diagnosis and had regular periods. After FEC no 2 my periods stopped and have never returned - 18 months or so ago. I take tamoxifen and my Onc thinks it unlikely I will have any more. I for one dont miss em but you do have to get used to the flushes but I guess I was close to getting them anyway! x
Dx at 46, still having completely regular periods, they stopped after FEC 2 and never returned at all! I was very pleased to see them go!!! I’m now 53. Mo
I was 36 at dx, periods were regular. They stopped around my second or third cycle of AC. I did have hot flushes during and after chemo, but then the menopausal symptoms stopped. I’ve been on tamoxifen for 18 months. My onc was pretty sure they would return- I’ve had spotting for a few months and some very hormonal symptoms. Just had first period for 2 years-waiting to see what happens next!
C xx
I was 47 at dx. My periods stopped after FEC no 3 and hot flushes started but were irregular. Unfortunately since starting Tamoxifen the hot flushes are now several times a day! Initially they would wake me up through the night but having been on Tamoxifen now for 3 months I am starting to get used to them and occasionally sleeping through the night.
Hi Isla,
I was 48 when I started my x4 ec. I had one period after my first session, than no more, but I had had the progesterone coil put in just before my diagnosis. Started tamoxifen and took it for 5 years. I had the coil removed when I stoped the tamoxifen at the age of 53 and then had 2 more periods. Nothing since. Hot flushes started after my 4th chemo. But that is another story.
All the best
I was diagnosed in Sep at age 38, started chemo 20th Nov. I was told my periods would probably stop after a couple of sessions of chemo. Well my periods initially were normal then after the 3rd chemotherapy were really heavy, lasting a week and then a gap of 14 days or so and back on.
My onc just told me I was unlucky!!!
They then stopped completely about 21/2 -3 months months ago,and although I finished my chemo in May and started Tamoxifen on 14/6 I haven’t had another period yet.
Hi Isla
Im the same age as you. Before chemo I was on Tamoxifen and my periods stopped altogether and never came back. I finished chemo end of March and still nothing has happened of any significance. I do get the odd spotting of old dark blood or occassionally new red blood, but it never comes to anything.
The saying ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ well, not having periods is mine in this situation.
Love Jane
I am 49 and was still having regula 28 day cycles before my chemo (3xFEC, 3xTax). I had two normal periods after 2 chemo treatments, but then they stopped.
The hot flushes started about 2 months later.
was 46 when dx with fairly regular periods. Mine stopped after my 1st FEC and have had none since but only finished chemo 5 weeks ago. Hot flushes started around 2nd FEC and still have them.
Can’t take Tamoxifen so had blood test to see if I am meno-pausal. Found out today that the levels are not conclusive so need to have my ovaries out mid July as the cancer is oestrogen fed !!
hi isla im 44 my periods stopped after the second session of ac im having to have 4 of them.then 4 x tax im just having my 2nd tax now and they have not returned having plenty of hot sweats day and night i use a cold flannel on the back of my neck it helps a lot doctor says they may not return at all heres wishing
I was diagnosed in Oct 08 i was then 46 my period had always been regular and I had had no signs of menopause, I had a period a week before my first AC of 4 end of nov 08 , and have never had a period since, the hot flushes kicked in for me just after the second AC. I was on a two week cycle. ( went on to have Tax x 4)