Hello everyone, I’ve had the operation and the the latest chunk is showing that the cancer is back around the nipple (it is my own) and it’s not invasive, which is good news. however it does mean another operation and am tempted to have the lot off. The new onc and surgeon are asking if the recon is muscle then implant and then my skin on top, or implant, muscle then skin - anyone shed light on this? I’ve left a message for my onc in UK to let me know, but feel this could take some time and I would rather know than have endless scans again.
Just back from the hospital where they are discussing what to do with me!! put me down if I were a dog I guess - and will let me know what they think, but I’d like to be armed with what I know and think. Any ideas?
Thanks, from a very very fed up person.
Hi Lezignac2
I’m not sure if this will help but whilst you are waiting for your fellow forum members to reply you may find Breast Cancer Care’s publication about breast reconstruction useful to read. The publication can read online or ordered via the website using the link below:
Best wishes
Thanks for that. It would appear that it’s almost certainly Pagets disease - shed any light on that anyone???
Worrying wait today I suspect.
Hi Lezignac2
Sorry to hear of your problems, I hope they can be resolved.
As far as I know, the implant is put under the muscle so that it is held in place. I was lucky and did not have to have an implant.
There are lots of helpful websites you’ll have to get surfing!
good luck
thanks for your replies. await details of next step, but not looking forward to any of it.
Keeping cheery though
Hi Lezignac2
I had Lat Dorsi and it has failed so I go back in a few months to have it sorted out. Surgeon told me that there is chest wall muscle then the implant then the lat dorsi back muscle over the top of the implant which they then attach to the chest wall muscle then of course your skin. My lat dorsi has torn away from the chest wall muscle.
So sorry to hear that you have further problems, I had to have nipple removed and have got used to not having one there now tho it could be a recon later if I wanted it. I wish you well with this latest problem, I am sure that Pagets information can be found on the web, just google it.
Take care, luvnhugsCarolexxx
thanks for this, I am erring on the side of taking it all off - although what happens to the back muscle as it can’t go back! ? as it might seem the best option. This is the third “problem” I’ve had in 3 years and am fed up to the back teeth with it, if only I’d have gone with my instincts and not had the recon in the first place - but then, how would i know et etc.
Have found Paget’s info thanks - not nice!!
Thanks again