Last Chemo Number 6



I have just had my 5 Chemo and i am really struggling, i feel like I do not have a life and I do not know if i can go through with the last one. Do you have to have all 6 or can you say that you do not what anymore. I am also due to have 3 weeks of Radiotherepy I do not know how much more I can take to be honest. Had Stage 2 Breast Cancer with a 5cm Tumor and 14 nodes cancer. Had 2 operations to remove my right breast, I am losing the will. I have been so strong but just don’t know if I can do it. 


Thanks Jo

Hi Jo and welcome to the BCC forums

I am sorry to read that you are having such a difficult time, please feel free to call our helpliners to talk things through, they are on hand with practical and emotional support for you on 0808 800 6000. Lines open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays

Here’s a link to the chemo monthly threads currently running on the forums, it may help to join the relevant one and share your post here too:

I am posting a link to the BCC undergoing treatments support and information which I hope you will find helpful:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Come on now Jo you can do it!!!


I had No 4 yesterday which was docetaxol which is supposed to be awful but I am actually okay today with it,just done a big pile of ironing.  I too have to have radiotherapy but 5 weeks of it and a long slog and back to hospital not looking forward to it but its go to be done.


You have to do all you can, it really is a long slog and I want to run away and say no more sometimes, Ive had enough, but you know you cant you just have to be strong and get on with it. It will all soon be over and be a distant memory for us and we can get on with our lives.


You will be fine, only one more, you have done the bulk of it and I am sure the radiotherapy wont be anywhere near as bad as the chemo.


Come on now, YOU CAN DO IT - THERES NO CHOICE IN THIS - hugs to you Val xxxx


Hi Jo,
I just wanted to say you have nothing to fear about radiotherapy, I’ve just done 3 weeks and found it a doddle to be totally honest and I didn’t have chemo so if you’ve gone through that then you will fly through rads, please keep going, one more and you will be on the home stretch. Love Jo xx

Keep going Jo. And all you ladies. I had 14 chemo sessions in total - 3 x 3 weekly fec and 11 x weekly taxol. Admittedly it should have been 12 but I had a breakdown at about week 7.

Had mx and recon in September, 3 infections, implant removed in December. Finished chemo April, new implant may, rafs due to start in July!

It’s a long slog, emotionally and physically draining. But honestly, if I’ve got this far you can too xc

Hi Jo


Like you I have had 5 cycles and while none of them were easy the last one has knocked me for 6,actually collapsed twice on Monday.  I am also thinking enough is enough, I have had numerous previous oral chemos but unlike you my cancer cannot be cured just controlled hopefully.


Will discuses with onc see what her views are but ultimately it will be my decision, hope you manage to make the right choice for you its not easy.


Take care.






I found no 5 chemo the worst one of all 6! I was very poorly and didn’t leave the house for 15 days. I wasn’t very well after the last one but I think the fact I knew it was the final one helped me recover sooner. I’m 5 weeks post chemo now and feeling fairly well most of the time. Starting radiotherapy next week.
Hang in there, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer.