Hi Everybody
just wanted to tell you all its chemo no8 today and my last one, feeling quite emotional this morning and just wanted to send you all a big hug and say thanks for helping me through it , you havent got rid of me yet though ive got my operation on the 27th nov, then rads and herceptin so dont let go of my hand just yet !
love to you all
galen x

Hi Galen,
Just to say Congratulations and Well Done!

Hi Galen

Well done! I finished last Friday and it’s a great feeling. Weirdly emotiotional as you say.

Good luck today.

Cecelia. x

Hi Galen

That’s brilliant news - well done you !!!

I’ve just had my mastectomy, start rads soon (have got planning today), then herceptin too, so we can hold each others hands over the next few months - lol !

much love



Hi Galen,

Im really pleased for you…Well Done!!!

Love Lynne.x

Well done Galen - hope it went OK today for you. My last one too, I didn’t feel as emotional as I expected - was (dare I say) kinda an anti-climax (wierd huh?). None of the normal nurses were there so no big goodbye or anything…very odd!!!

On we go hey - i have my sugery on 30th November and Rads in Jan, so we can hold hands a little longer!!!

Love and hugs to you

Congratulations Galen!!!

Well done you! I finished just over 3 weeks ago so I know only too well what a wonderful feeling it is. You’ve done really well and I do hope you will be celebrating soon as you feel up to it!

Take care,


Hi Galen

Oh isn’t it great? I finished a week and a day ago. S*d the side effects. It is the LAST time. Well done you. Inflation of implant, rads, herceptin? Bring it on! Don’t worry about the surgery. It really is the easy bit compared to chemo.

Hoding your cyber hand tightly



Congratulations Galen, on finishing your chemo, must be kinda weird though, but good on you and all you other ladies. I had no5 out of 6 on Wednesday and still feeling knackered, so not on line much, hopefully back to normal by Sunday.

Take care all and well done.


Congratulations Galen

Onto the next stage…Onwards and upwards.

At least you’ll have your taste buds back for christmas!


Well done to you too Bestie.

Another one crossed the finished line.

Jules x

Thank you all for your lovely messages xxxxxxx