Last chemo tomorrow !!! ( I hope)

I started chemo in September 2009,had epirubicin then CMF which has gone on for 6 months and the last one 0f 12 sessions is tomorrow. I can’t believe where the time has gone, so everyone who is just starting or in the early stages of chemo, keep your head up. I found it difficult but bearable and some times it was awful and sometimes it was ok. The nurses have been great (Birmingham Treatment Centre)and I have met some nice other patients. I have read on this site how some of you have suffered greatly,and I hope you recover well. I have another operation in April followed by radiotherapy daily but there is light at the end of the tunnel, although if you had asked me a few months ago I would have said it is endless and I can’t see an end to it, but here I am now and feeling more optimistic, so good luck to everyone starting out, keep strong and I wish you all well for the future. Jo

Hi Jo

Well done and good luck for tomorrow I have just finished chemo too, and it couldn’t have come soon enough!!

I was very fortunate that I didn’t suffer to much, but it is so horrible and draining, and I felt that it took over my life, everything was wrapped around the next cycle, I didn’t want to go out much because I felt such a mess?

I now feel there is light at the end of the tunnel, and can start to recover in everyway!! I know lot’s of ladies have tred and will be tredding the same path , and it is doeable but awful none the less,

Losing my hair (my identity) was the most anxious and terryfying time, and I wore the coldcap and have managed to retain a covering, but I still found it stressful almost barbaric.

I too have radiotherapy starting the end of march for four weeks, and another op around the summer time,

good luck jo all the very best

ann x

Well Done Jo, hopefully you managed to have your last chemo yesterday and even if youre not feeling 100% at the moment, you must feel so relieved! I hope you recover from your op quickly and completely and dont worry about the rads - nothing can compare to chemo, so youll be fine :slight_smile:

Ann, the same good wishes go to you and well done to you too for finishing chemo!

All being well, Ill be joining you guys next week :slight_smile:

K x