Just had the last herceptin yesterday and PICC line removed. To me an anti climax if that is the right expression. Now everyone else says am I celebrating. Funny I do not feel like celebrating. Just worried about it coming back. Am I unusual. Does anyone else feel like this. Just feel like i have been on a long hard journey. It must have felt like that for people who fought in the world wars or were let out of a concentration camp I feel. ie you are never the same again and just want a normal life.
Well Done and Congratulations!!I know exactly what you mean about the anti climax, I am Triple Negative so had no medication after chemo and rads and everyone was saying you will be celebrating, it was the last thing I wanted to do. Unfortunately our lives have changed but I believe the most important thing is to look forward to being able to do ‘normal’ things without ‘clock’ watching.
I have been for my first annual mammogram today and it came flooding back but I know i will feel better tomorrow. Be proud of yourself and have loads of ‘me’ time to yourself you deserve it.
I had Hickman Line and the first bubble bath I had without it was the best bath ever!!
Take care
Brenda xx
Hi Starfish,
Well done for finishing the heceptin. I think it is normal to feel some kind of anti climax - I certainly did. I know it’s a cliche but it does get a little easier with time - although every time a friend gets ill every time you have a unexplained ache the worry comes back. The worry will always be there (i think) but over time you begin to push it to the back of your mind.
Well Done starfish! I finished mine in July and at the end I felt like I was wading through glue. It is a bit of an anti-climax but also the opportunity to get your life back. You’re right life will never be the same and the fear is always there but I’m learning to live with that fear. I’m such a stubborn so and so, there is part of me that feels a bit fatalistic about it coming back and I’m starting to think well the uggers have had me keeping all these appointments for the last 18 months so I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend the next 18 months and more fretting about what might happen. If I can stay away from my hospital until the 31st of this month then it will be my first clear calendar month since January 08 that I won’t have had to either take my clothes off or get stuck with a needle and to me, that’s worth celebrating…
Best wishes xx
Well done for hanging on in there.
I had my Herceptin done at home and at the end of the last one the nurse gave me a really big hug. I had the same lady for the bulk of my treatments and I really had a rapport with her so in some respects it was quite sad. I was tired of all the intravenous stuff by the end.
Hi Starfish,
I know exactly how you feel - I think the year of herceptin makes the whole treatment go on for so long that you are completely worn out by the end of it - both mentally & physically.
You may like to take a look at the following:
It’s an article on the psychology of finishing treatment. It’s quite long, but well worth a read.
Oh thank you for all your lovely comments. Glad I am normal! The line came out monday but even with that there was conflicting advice. one nurse said keep dressing on for a day and you can then have a bath and shower. Another said keep in on for 3 days and no shower or bath. So erring on the side of caution i am having a fabulous bath tomorrow. May even treat myself to a Lush bath bomb!! It is just dawning on me. no hospital every 3 weeks. I was dx in Feb 08 and the hospital became my second home!! Keep on in there everyone and hugs and kisses to everyone.
Well done Starfish - I am a year behind you - I am due to start my Herceptin on 28th October! It’s a long old road isn’t it???
Take care