last Rads today

Just about to leave for my 25th out of 25 rads
Can’t believe how quick its gone
Haven’t done too badly got a small patch of red skin on collar bone. Also underneath my left boob is very red and sore but managed to get through!
Got to go buy another box of chocs for the nurses -we ate the first one over the weekend!

Well done Jools, I am really looking forward to being where you are now!

Cecelia. x

Well done Jools
I have planning to start my 25 rads on 21st. Hope it’s easier than chemo.
Enjoy your chocs!


Well done Jools.
And I hope the soreness clears up quickly.
Expect to feel tired for a few days but then its onwards and getting better.


well done Jools,

me too has finiahed rads to day! 33 in total. all the best on the road to recovery and to those out there on the bumpy road.


You’ve done so well. I’m at the beginning of my 18 rads and it’s so good to read these positive posts. Jools I hope the soreness clears up soon.
Love Caz x

Hi Jools & Nadia

Well done to you both !

I start my rads on 26th November, and can’t wait to get started - particularly as I’ve heard its a breeze compared to chemo - lol !

Onwards and upwards girls !

much love

Julie xx

Well done Jools & Nadia!

I am half way through now and am looking forward to the end already!! The rads are fine its just the travelling that is doing my head in. Mind you, not complaining!!

Take care and congrats once again,
